Thursday, September 11, 2008

My super huge exam is coming up in the next 5 days... not much time to blog...

Feeling ok, but then nervous about feeling ok. Maybe I don't see the train thats coming, maybe I'm not prepared, maybe I'm totally screwed...

God I hope not

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Don't call it a comeback

Originally I started my blogging site a few years ago because I was a coop on work term in the summer. My schedule was free for about 3 weeks so I sat in the office with nothing to do, and eventually decided I would blog about stuff.

It continued for about a year just blogging about school and bitching about exams and making countdowns and songs, and I had alot of fun.

Then someone decided to use my blog against me... Long story... So I stopped and didn't pick it up again

Now that the attackers have forgotten all about me I figured I would start my blog again. I think it's going to be a hybrid of talking about my life and what I'm doing, and talking about college football (my sports passion)

Now I bet the 3 people who actually see my blog are thinking "who the hell will follow a blog about a guys life + his college football rants." The thing is I really don't care who reads it or who doesn't. But ultimately I will post a little blog about whats going on with me, then post a rant about football or something... so you can stop reading whenever you choose

I'm blogging because I feel like writing stuff... and because Ia diary is gay. a blog is just nerdy.

What's up with me

Right now its just stress... I'm writing a big exam in September and I'm trying to study and keep positive. But everyone I meet has to ask me about how my studying is going. and everytime I lazily tell them it's going good

and people have to comment "you don't sound too excited" - no shit really? I'm writing a 13 hour exam over 3 days with 1600 people across Canada, you think I have a clue how I'm going to do? You never know if the exam will play to your strengths or not, this isn't high school, so how can I be assured of anything?!?!?

Other then that it's just golf, tv, friends and trying to keep myself in a decent frame of mind.. to respect the exam but not give up on it

T minus 5 weeks until I move to Calgary...

Overrated Football teams

So early in the colleged football season it's actually easy to pick the very best college football teams. Its all the teams outside of the top 15 who are given far too much praise for one or 2 garbage wins, and will ultimately never be as good as their hype

Utah - Ok ok so you beat Michigan at Michigan in the season opener. Congratulations, you beat a Michigan team with a new coach and new offence philosophy who has players recruited for the old offense philosophy. They lost starting QB, RB and top 2 WR's from last year. They suck, congratulations you beat nobody

Not only did you beat nobody, but you barely beat nobody winning by 2. So Utah will go one to beat a bunch more nobody's like Utah State, Air Force, Weber State. They will get into a bowl game and face a team from a GOOD division, and pull a Hawaii, get blown out and outclassed and have everyone say: "wow was Utah overrated"

University South Carolina - The useless USC beat the more useless NC state. Dear useless USC: Vanderbilt will kill you, Georgia will destroy you and you will be 1-2 and everyone will remember that your in the SEC, don't stand a chance and forget about you

Fresno State - Another team in a VERY VERY easy conference who will win all their in conference games and will get blown out in a bowl game. It's ok they will lose to Wisconson, and that will require 5 straight wins to recover from, so I can forget about you for a bit

Anyways that all for my first blog. Will probably post again in the next few days, nothing college football related until Sunday

One Love