Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The dream

I sat on the rocks, looking out into the bay, feeling the sun on my face, the wind at my back and memories of things past floating through my mind.

What have I done? What have I experienced? Have I touched anyone in my short life? Do people remember me? Will people remember me?

After the wedding, after the pictures, it was her...

Looking around the dance floor, drink in my hand, smile on my face thinking: "whatever happens, coming out to this wedding was worth it, this has been so much fun". Then she made it perfect...

Will Smith's Gettin jiggy with it was on, and she looks at me and yells: OMG do you remember this song, and starts doing the dance along with me... Na na na na ne na na! I scream back: "Hell yea I definitely remember this song, do you remember the dance?"

and on cue we both do the Will Smith dance cracking up laughing, all the memories of my childhood come flooding back, just being free, dancing and enjoying myself. She and I get to talking. We talk about music, about the wedding, how we know the bride and groom.

I ask if I can buy her a drink and we go to the bar grab our drinks and get back to dancing. I get to dance with the bride, but my eyes are always on her. I wonder if she likes me or if she's just being nice. Does she want to talk more, or was one dance all she was really looking for?

A slow song comes on and the bride goes to dance with her spouse. I notice she's checking her cell phone, so I tell her that her boyfriend can wait. She laughs and tells me immediately that she's single. I smile and ask her if she wants to dance. We dance a slow dance and talk some more. I'm already feelin this girl; she's amazing, but seriously this is a wedding, what am I doing? What am I looking for?

We dance for a few more songs. I'm not paying attention to anyone but her. I can't keep my eyes off of her.

Long black hair down to her shoulders blowing in the wind of the hall. soft skin, olive coloured with a few cute freckles. The most amazing eyes so bright and hazel they illuminate yellow in the night. A soft warm smile that's directed right at me... She's beautiful; classic beautiful and I can't stop looking at her...

The party ends at 1 and we go looking for an after party to hang out with people. We find that the rooms where the parties are happen to be dark. We decide to look for people but can't find anybody.

All I can think is she's going to give up and go to bed. But I can't. I'll probably never see her again and I will regret not spending more time with her. She's got me, and all I can think about right now is her.

As we walk I think about how I can show her how into her I am. I want to hold her hand but it's a bold move; we have just met, I am just as likely to get slapped, but I have to take a chance. My hand moves very slowly to her's, as my fingers touch her palm. She doesn't move her hand, so I inch closer,. She spreads her fingers and welcomes my hand into hers. She likes me! I think...

"Do you want to take a walk down by the beach" I ask, taking another massive leap and brace for a slap. "Sure, yea" is all the reply I get, but now I know she's feelin me.

As we walk in the dark, hand-in-hand down the beach all I can think is how lucky I feel. How this beautiful girl with black hair and yellow eyes keeps looking at me with affection. How we don't live in the same state and will never see each other again, but how we both want to get lost in the moment. the beauty of the moonlight on the beach after seeing an amazing wedding.

"If you had told me 2 weeks ago that I would be walking with a beautiful girl under the moonlight, looking up at the stars I'd have told you that you were crazy" she laughs and agrees as we squeeze our hands tighter.

Now or never man... Now or never... I stop, while she takes a few more steps pulling ahead of me, and I pull her back to me. I wrap my other arm around her waist and look up at the stars with her. She doesn't stop me, nor does she move my hand from her waist. We stare at the stars searching for the constellations. I notice the beauty of the night sky setting in on the harbour where I was sitting around just a few hours ago with the sun on my face.

Its beautiful, it's perfect, she's perfect and I can't believe she's with me. I look down at her as she's looking up into the sky. She notices me and our eyes meet. I slowly lean my head down, and kiss her, softly gauging her reaction and if she will kiss me back. She does. Under the moonlight there stands the 2 of us exchanging in a sweet kiss on the beach. Me, in my suit and tie; and her in her formal dress, kissing under the stars.

We continue to kiss as I lay her down on the sand, her hands in ming laying in the sand over her head. It's perfect, nothing could ruin this. We stop and I lie down beside her and we look at the harbour, at the city in the distance, at the isolation we are currently in, and we kiss again.

We kiss for hours, stopping to talk about our lives, our hopes and dreams, and how amazing this feels. How perfect this night turned out to be

It's 4am and we're getting cold. I walk back to her room. I give her my coat she so isn't cold. We get back and she kisses me again, and thanks me for the night. She grabs my hand and pulls me into her room...

My alarm goes off... It was a dream. A wedding dream...

One Love