Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 1 back at work.. Kill me!

What to write, what to write…

Went to a funeral on Saturday… That sucked… Yea don’t feel like talking about that

Australia? Hmmm I guess, not much else to say. Like I have said before I really REALLY value my privacy. So 3 weeks of me not having a room to myself or time to myself left me flustered. I couldn’t wait to get home so I could play some x-box, listen to music and think my thoughts. As is the norm, because I value my privacy I also would rather what happened in Australia to remain in fucking Australia…

Cue my buddy Ted. He’s the guy I went to go visit there… It took him 6 days to tell somebody EVERYTHING that happened there. But this isn’t just somebody. He told the biggest gossip (lets call her Carla) in the fucking circus (that I call friends) everything that happened. Also, he didn’t tell me that he opened his fucking mouth about it. So what happens? I walk into a mine field of fucking questions and accusations. Fucking putz!

And the worst part of it all. Carla dated the guy that I went to Australia with. So when Ted tells her everything he knows actually went on, her imagination goes wild as to what else went on that he didn’t know about.

So now I have to deal with her and her “Australia sex orgy” fantasies that she has concocted in her mind. But I feel for my buddy Carla’s ex-bf Chris who has to incur all of her wrath. Poor guy…

Other then that, work’s starting again, but I’m doing nothing right now. Football season’s starting!!!!!!! Next couple of weeks has some really good things on the horizon!

One Love

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Laaazy week

So I know I said I was going to post every day this week. But when you go 3 weeks without thinking of blogging, its hard to remember to blog every day. Especially when you don't have much to talk about.

Australia... Australia built me and killed me in so many ways:


Built - I was able to go party all the time, be social, drink and go out probably 4/5 nights, which is a departure for me. Working as hard as I do and living in suburbia, getting out 2 nights a week is an absolute stretch. So being able to go drinking that much and not worry about work, my career, money, my fucking dream condo was nice

Killed - No privacy. That's the thing with crashing at a buddies place. You're living on a mattress in a living room for 3 weeks. I like to be alone, I value my privacy. 3 weeks with no privacy left me rattled, uncertain, and slightly depressed.

My Confidence:

Built - I had 7 or 8 different women tell me how good I looked. I got enough of those "looks".. the I wanna eat you up look with her hand running up and down my chest. I slept with an Australian girl. Fuckin magic... and I came to the conclusion that I LOVE American girls... They are fucking magic. I loved who I was in Australia, I loved the confidence I had the swagger I had. Old me was back! College me was back

Killed - The problem with a vacation is people you meet you will never see again. So I had to be relatively cold. I can't open up, what's the point. You meet a girl who MIGHT be your next ex-wife but you never get a chance. You don't get to be the good guy. I was lucky too. I didn't get my ass shot down or rejected. But knowing me, I take that so hard. I was lucky enough that this shoe didn't drop

My Growth

Built - I saw another country, chilled on another beach, tried some new beers, had a few revelations. All in the name of my growth and maturity

Killed - I didn't figure out what I want to do with my life. Is it NYC or buying a condo in Toronto. Where do I want to plant my seeds? These were questions I thought I would answer or at least address in my 48 hours of flying and 3 weeks with nothing really to do. Yea didn't even think of them. FUCK

My money

Built - Come on you knew I would be thinking of money. I saved about $500 on car and social expenses by being away.

Killed - I spent $1,400... FUCK!!! thats $62 a day. But given I had to pay for all my meals, plus car rentals and hotel for our beach vacation its reasonable. Just fuck I budgeted $3,000 as a very conservative vacation budget. But $1,600 for a ticket ant $1,400 spending I was right no if not over. Sets my condo purchase plans back, just a tad

One Love

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back from Australia

Yes yes y'all I'm back!

It would be honestly too hard to go through the entire 3 weeks in Australia so I will keep blogging as normal while taking random spots to jot down my thoughts on a certain night

I kinda made a super gay diary of my adventures so I will probably just copy and paste segments of it when I feel like it

I have all next week off so I will probably blog every day... Here's hoping

One Love