Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 1 back at work.. Kill me!

What to write, what to write…

Went to a funeral on Saturday… That sucked… Yea don’t feel like talking about that

Australia? Hmmm I guess, not much else to say. Like I have said before I really REALLY value my privacy. So 3 weeks of me not having a room to myself or time to myself left me flustered. I couldn’t wait to get home so I could play some x-box, listen to music and think my thoughts. As is the norm, because I value my privacy I also would rather what happened in Australia to remain in fucking Australia…

Cue my buddy Ted. He’s the guy I went to go visit there… It took him 6 days to tell somebody EVERYTHING that happened there. But this isn’t just somebody. He told the biggest gossip (lets call her Carla) in the fucking circus (that I call friends) everything that happened. Also, he didn’t tell me that he opened his fucking mouth about it. So what happens? I walk into a mine field of fucking questions and accusations. Fucking putz!

And the worst part of it all. Carla dated the guy that I went to Australia with. So when Ted tells her everything he knows actually went on, her imagination goes wild as to what else went on that he didn’t know about.

So now I have to deal with her and her “Australia sex orgy” fantasies that she has concocted in her mind. But I feel for my buddy Carla’s ex-bf Chris who has to incur all of her wrath. Poor guy…

Other then that, work’s starting again, but I’m doing nothing right now. Football season’s starting!!!!!!! Next couple of weeks has some really good things on the horizon!

One Love

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