Sunday, September 27, 2009

So I was going to talk about my future... or lack thereof... but I had 2 really weird dreams. So I decided it was time to do another round of dream therapy

Dream 1

Honestly I don't know if I can interpret these dreams because there's more that happened but I don't remember what it is, but I remember that more happened

I remembering being in a big city at night on a street corner with some friends. There's an office building (or at least I got the feeling there was) behind me, and a long road ahead of me. I think the road is a downhill (actually it looked fun to drive) but I never actually take it. so we are talking about... something... was like poker or trading or something. I was holding a brown bag with beer and chips but nobody was drinking. So a car is driving by and it plays this Blink 182 song - Dumpweed. We all air guitar and sing along as it drives away. Then we walk into a tent where people are playing poker and everyone keeps asking me about Tyler (Tyler was this huge jacked dude I went to school with. a buddy and a crazy ladies man)... Then I'm talking to this girl who I'm going to sleep with and she asks me about Tyler. So I tell her then we are about to go for a walk when I wake up...

What does this all mean? nooo idea I guess I should start with the symbols

City - To see a city in your dream, signifies a sense of community and your social environment. If you dream of a big city, then it suggests that you need to develop closer ties and relationships. I don't know if the city was big but I think it was Sydney so I would consider that big. This also makes sense considering I was stood up for a movie + BJ's Sat night and there was a party on last night that I decided not to go to... Maybe I was being scolded by my mind for not being social...

Office building - If the office in your dream is unfamiliar or strange, then it suggest that you are constantly comparing yourself to others. Yes I can see that. I'm very competitive and I do compare myself to other people, but that's what makes me ME...

Night and Tent - To have a dream that takes place at night, represents some major setbacks and obstacles in achieving your goals. There are some issues in your life that you are facing, but are not too clear. Hmmmm I am facing issues on where I want to live, do I still want to go to NYC. There are major obstacles like the economy and my wanting to buy a house. Or maybe NYC is actually an obstacle to me buying a house... shoot this is getting confusing... ok ok more symbols

Alcohol - To dream that you are enjoying alcohol in moderation, denotes contentment and satisfaction in the decisions that you have made. Success is within your grasp Wait, what the fuck? So I'm having setbacks in achieving my goals but success is within my grasp? Fuck I am satisfied with my decisions... hmmm maybe this is making sense after all

Hmmmm ok so what I think my dream is telling me is to be happy with the decisions I've made so far because its leading me down the right path (Alcohol) but at the same time my future goals have roadblocks already in the way (Night & tent). At the same time, one of my roadblocks must be... Wait I think I have it... ONE of my roadblocks to going to NYC must be that I haven't developed a closeness with enough people in Toronto so that when I do come back I will have something to come back to. and I believe this because I'm comparing myself to other people. Sometimes I compare my friend count on facebook to my friends (shut up I'm fucking lame ok leave me alone) and wonder how or why my friends have other circles that they are a part of. But what my dream is telling me is my friends will always be there no matter where I go, so I shouldn't be worried about that. I also should stop comparing my friend amounts...

Wow... fucking insightful, even if I did pull that out of my ass... Did I ever tell you I'm a genius??

Oh I forgot... I don't remember dream 2 anymore... awesome-o

One Love

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Blogging is weird... I don't have anything to say but I feel compelled to post anyways because well... whats the point of having a site if you don't post anything

Maybe tomorrow while I'm watching football I'll weigh my options as to what I want to do with my life...

yea tomorrow

One Love

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

You know who's annoying? Ex-girlfriends... You know who's even more annoying then that? Ex-girlfriends who want to get back together with you and you try to shoot them down without hurting their feelings and they decide to post fucking annoying quotes clearly about you on their fucking facebook... such as:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

"you are my sweetest downfall"

"we cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand"

"the brick walls are there for a reason. they're not there to keep us out. the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something....."

Ohhhhhh that's right that's why I dumped you! because you take something private like leaving your fucking boyfriend for me into a giant public spectacle so everyone in facebook world can see it!!! That's why I did it because you're a fucking drama Queen who really REALLY needs to draw attention to herself! Thanks for the reminder!

Also... This annoying client keeps their copier right behind me so I have to hide this and facebook everytime somebody prints, which is every 14 seconds!

One Love

Stratch that... 2 loves...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Ikea phenomanon

We have a law or idea we call the law of Kerr. This is based on my friend Randy Kerr. Randy's dad owns a huge company. Randy gets the company on the day he gets a general business diploma. Millions of dollars is his as long as he passes basic business classes. But he's so fucking dumb he can't get even get through basic business school. He's just useless says the dumbest things, Makes the worst decisions and generally makes your head hurt.

The law is this dumbass is of average intelligence in the world. Its not a testament to his smarts, but a testament to how stupid the world is

Stupid people piss me off. Its complicated and definitely for another post. But I've come to realize that these people congregate somewhere; your local Ikea!! Oh also I call these people the Tards

I had to go to Ikea yesterday to pick up 1 item. Here are my thoughts as I went in

- There's a line up of people dropping their kids off in the play area. The Tards talk about how great it is to have a play area for the kids, and I say good for Ikea for the idea. But the point is kids distract the Tards from the bright lights and shiny things Ikea throws at you to make your simple monkey brains go crazy with excitement at all the nice things you can buy that you don't need. Its simple: kids make you more reluctant to buy things because they bring down your mood. So throw the kids in a slave pen for a couple hours and you can browse all the shiny pieces of shit that Ikea throws at you for your impulse buying pleasure

- Have you ever seen a farm with the cows being led on a convener to the slaughter? Well Ikea has, and they modeled their floor based on that concept. You can't just GO to linens and buy some damn sheets. You need to walk through every fucking department at the store to get whatever you want, which subjects you to more bright lights and shiny things causing more impulse buying. That store leads us around like cattle through the slaughter house. Ohhh that looks nice, ohhh and that I love shopping at ikea I'm a Tard bright lights! shiny thing! ooohh ahhhhh *scratches armpit*

- When I go to a store I know exactly what I want to buy. Ikea is not made for me. The store is not made for people who research and plan their purchases. As I walked through the overly crowded group of Tards I noticed nobody actually knows what they were looking for. The were just looking aimlessly at everything. That tells me they don't actually need anything at Ikea. This might bug me the most. I keep a detailed spending budget. I track all my spending with Quicken and compare my budget to actual every month to see what I need to cut back on. Therefore, impulse buying a bedroom will never happen with me because it will kill my budget. I work out the money so I can afford it. Then I carefully plan what I want at home where I have no bright lights and shiny things, then I shop for price, then I go buy... See I'm not retarded, I know how to effectively spend my money. Everyone I see at the damn store clearly has not taken into consideration whether they really can afford it because they don't even know what they want. Hence impulse buying... hence retarded....

- The one I actually like is that Ikea has self serve check-out counters and NOBODY uses them!! I love that because, again I'm not retarded, and I know how to select English, put a pricing gun against a barcode, and click "credit card" under payment options. Difficult I know, but the Tards wait 20 minutes so that somebody can perform these "complicated" steps for them. God people are fucking dumb... like seriously!!!!

Its simple people go to Ikea without a plan, get flashed with lights, then buy a whole shitload of stuff they don't really need because it has funky Sweedish names and goofy pastel colours. Don't get me wrong Ikea can be a good buy. I've bought a love seat from Ikea and it's crazy comfortable. But I researched what I wanted for most comfort for the least price and analyzed my purchase carefully before going directly to the place and picking it up


One love

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Australian hits that still drive me crazy

Kings of Leon: Use Somebody – Sweet baby Jesus I hate this fucking song. I didn’t hate Kings of Leon before, and I would actually listen to Sex on fire. Then they played that song every hour on the hour. So in Australia they decided to play Use Somebody every 20 minutes on the radio. First off you sound like 3 doors down, so you’re gay. Second you’re all mopey and whiney without any real substance to your music. Third and this isn’t your fault, but radio stations overplay you and it drives me nuts. Fourth, retarded guys in popped collars and confidence issues air mic this song at every fucking bar on planet earth and all I want to do is punch them in the face, then go to Nashville and

Black Eyed Peas: I gotta feeling – I most certainly hate this song more and I also hate BEP just so so much. Remember when they had their first single ‘where is the love” and you thought this might be a group that actually tries to say something of meaning? Throw that out the door because they have churned out sappy pop song after sappy pop song. This one might be the worst. Again played in Australia on fucking repeat, this song doesn’t rhyme and literally is just some guy blurting our random sentences

Tonight’s the night
Let’s live it up
I got my money
Let’s spend it up
Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Let’s get get off
What in the entire “verse” rhymes? Why doesn’t this rhyme? How does this say ANYTHING of relevance? Throw in some digitally enhanced “tonights gonna be a gooood night” and you have what may be the worst song of the year that everyone loves.

Cobra Starship: Good girls go bad – This song is just so painfully awful. I mean how many times can you say “I make good girls go bad” in a song. Like that’s literally the beginning and end of the song. Good imagination on that shit you yutz! Also, you know what everybody likes to hear? When I guy says he makes good girls go bad. That doesn’t make you sound like the biggest tool on the face of the earth. You’re the guy that everyone watches make an ass out of himself with the gay popped collar and the really tight jeans. I hope you get hit by as bus, I honestly do.

Dizzee Rascal: Bonkers – Here are the lyrics. Literally these are the entire lyrics repeated either 2 or 3 times.

I wake up everyday it’s a daydream
Everythin’ in my life isn’t what it seems
I wake up just to go back to sleep
I act real shallow but I’m in to deep
And all I care about is sex and violence
And a heavy bass line is my kind of silence
Everybody says I got to get a grip
But I let sanity give me the slip
Some people think I’m bonkers
But I just think I’m free
Man I’m just living my life
There nothing crazy about me
Some people pay for thrills
but I get mine for free
Man I’m just living my life
There nothing crazy about me
[repeat] [repeat again] [repeat for a third time]

Akon: Sexy Chick – Again seriously every 30 minutes they would play this song. In the club you probably heard it 3-4 times in a night and every time drunken idiots would yell and scream like they had never heard this before. Before I even go into the lyrics first there’s 1 verse that I believe is 4 bars long. Other then that its “damn yous a sexy bitch” played over and over again. That’s fine in a trance/techno song, but for a song that claims to be hip-hop that just smacks of creativity. Akon you lazy fucking bitch with your digitally enhanced girly voice seriously fuck off!

Ok the one line that really bugs me about the song is this

She's nothing like a girl you've ever seen before
Nothing you can compare to your neighbourhood hoe
I'm tryna find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful

First off, in what universe does before and hoe rhyme? Because that’s what they are trying to do if you hear the song. Second, how are you trying to be respectful? You claim she’s not comparable to your neighbourhood hoe, so she’s the neighbourhood super-hoe? Mega-hoe? Either way it’s disrespectful. Oh and the lyrics after this line are kinda just a little disrespectful too

The way that booty movin I can't take no more
Have to stop what i'm doin so I can pull up close
I'm tryna find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful

Ok ok Akon I get it you can’t actually find the words to describe this girl, but you didn’t even try. But again, every fucking 30 minutes I had to hear this damn song and everybody loved it. Fuck it was sooooooo annoying I wanted to punch the radio

In conclusion, Australia may be awesome but they music tastes fucking blow. Now that’s not that different from the rest of the world. The difference though is that I’ve been in Toronto for 2 weeks and I’ve heard all of these songs maybe 4-5 times. But in Australia I would hear each of these songs maybe 3-4 times per day. And in Australia everyone would go crazy every time they heard any of these songs.

Also there’s actually one other song on constant repeat in Australia but I don’t remember what it is.