Sunday, September 27, 2009

So I was going to talk about my future... or lack thereof... but I had 2 really weird dreams. So I decided it was time to do another round of dream therapy

Dream 1

Honestly I don't know if I can interpret these dreams because there's more that happened but I don't remember what it is, but I remember that more happened

I remembering being in a big city at night on a street corner with some friends. There's an office building (or at least I got the feeling there was) behind me, and a long road ahead of me. I think the road is a downhill (actually it looked fun to drive) but I never actually take it. so we are talking about... something... was like poker or trading or something. I was holding a brown bag with beer and chips but nobody was drinking. So a car is driving by and it plays this Blink 182 song - Dumpweed. We all air guitar and sing along as it drives away. Then we walk into a tent where people are playing poker and everyone keeps asking me about Tyler (Tyler was this huge jacked dude I went to school with. a buddy and a crazy ladies man)... Then I'm talking to this girl who I'm going to sleep with and she asks me about Tyler. So I tell her then we are about to go for a walk when I wake up...

What does this all mean? nooo idea I guess I should start with the symbols

City - To see a city in your dream, signifies a sense of community and your social environment. If you dream of a big city, then it suggests that you need to develop closer ties and relationships. I don't know if the city was big but I think it was Sydney so I would consider that big. This also makes sense considering I was stood up for a movie + BJ's Sat night and there was a party on last night that I decided not to go to... Maybe I was being scolded by my mind for not being social...

Office building - If the office in your dream is unfamiliar or strange, then it suggest that you are constantly comparing yourself to others. Yes I can see that. I'm very competitive and I do compare myself to other people, but that's what makes me ME...

Night and Tent - To have a dream that takes place at night, represents some major setbacks and obstacles in achieving your goals. There are some issues in your life that you are facing, but are not too clear. Hmmmm I am facing issues on where I want to live, do I still want to go to NYC. There are major obstacles like the economy and my wanting to buy a house. Or maybe NYC is actually an obstacle to me buying a house... shoot this is getting confusing... ok ok more symbols

Alcohol - To dream that you are enjoying alcohol in moderation, denotes contentment and satisfaction in the decisions that you have made. Success is within your grasp Wait, what the fuck? So I'm having setbacks in achieving my goals but success is within my grasp? Fuck I am satisfied with my decisions... hmmm maybe this is making sense after all

Hmmmm ok so what I think my dream is telling me is to be happy with the decisions I've made so far because its leading me down the right path (Alcohol) but at the same time my future goals have roadblocks already in the way (Night & tent). At the same time, one of my roadblocks must be... Wait I think I have it... ONE of my roadblocks to going to NYC must be that I haven't developed a closeness with enough people in Toronto so that when I do come back I will have something to come back to. and I believe this because I'm comparing myself to other people. Sometimes I compare my friend count on facebook to my friends (shut up I'm fucking lame ok leave me alone) and wonder how or why my friends have other circles that they are a part of. But what my dream is telling me is my friends will always be there no matter where I go, so I shouldn't be worried about that. I also should stop comparing my friend amounts...

Wow... fucking insightful, even if I did pull that out of my ass... Did I ever tell you I'm a genius??

Oh I forgot... I don't remember dream 2 anymore... awesome-o

One Love

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