Wednesday, June 2, 2010

People that I hate

Sorry yet again I have not updated my blog. I have the time it's just not a habit right now.

So I figured I would list a bunch of people that I just can't stand and why:

Tim Tebow That fucking annoying bible thumping prick has gotten more attention for doing nothing then anybody else. He's never going to make it in the NFL but his jersey sales lead the league. Also, he's fighting with my mancrush (Brady Quinn) for starting QB on the team so I hope he gets owned and fades off to do holy water infomercials

Sarah Jessica Parker And yes it is totally because of sex and the city. But its got nothing to do with any qualms about womens sexual revolution, its about how people who look like horses don't have the right to be picky about their mate or their performance. Why yes I didn't give you enough foreplay, but the fact is you look like a horse and you don't see me bringing that up

Jimmy Fallon I don't care if I spent your name wrong, the fact is you only leave SNL when you are actually GOOD. You sucked, giant monkey balls for your whole stint on SNL, fuckin breaking character and laughing through entire skits, and you were never funny. So you parlay no talent and an unfunny SNL career into a bunch of just scary awful movies... Just note

Just look... Look at the cover photo of Taxi and tell me that's not the worst movie you've ever seen. Tell me... Look at him! To b honest I've actually seen it (On a plane. I did not.. repeat DID NOT pay to watch that piece of shit). I can't fall asleep on a plame. but that movie was so horrible, so unbelievably not funny I fell asleep.. twice...

And how do you parlay this potpourri of poorly done SNL skits and shoddy movies. You get a late night show! Possibly the most awkward hour of zero laughs you can see on tv. Try to watch an entire episode, I dare you! I tried. Couldn't make it to the end of the monologue.

If you're thinking "Hey he's the only person who feels this way" Google "Jimmy Fallon is" and see the most looked up questions

Mark Sanchez Ok he's got the trifecta of annoying. 1) He was the QB at USC, I hate USC and I especially hate QB's from USC as they all think they are celebrities and Gods and all that shit 2) He's a cocky fucking loudmouth who the media can't stop gushing over, even though he hasn't done anything to warrant anything 3) He does a Vanity Fair magazine shoot or some shit, starts dating the supermodel he was shooting with, and made himself a papparzzi followee without ever taking a snap. Fuck you, you douchebag!

Me Who do I think I am, sitting in a corner of anonimity bashing a bunch of people I don't know because I probably hate my life and hate that I'm not the people I profess to hate. Also I'm constantly negative, always agitated and hold this nice sence of superiority over "sheeple" because they spend $500 on an IPAD... Fucking idiots spending $500 on a piece of shit that doesn't do anything my cell phone can't do.. See there I go again!

One love...

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