Monday, June 28, 2010

Keep forgetting to update blog...

Hmmm what to say what to say... It's tough because there are things I want to say, but given this is a public blog people can still find me and I can still get in trouble.

Updates to my life? (also I'm using names based on tennis players for some reason)

- I've made a new friend, who already has had a big impact on my life. Her name is Serena and she's a Yoga instructor who has already challenged everything that I believe in and everything that I choose to be. It's very interesting as I am a very private person and she has been the only person to look at me and say: "why are you so introverted, what is the purpose of this, in the end what is it accomplishing". I've never been asked that. Most of the time all people care about is getting information out of me, rather then ask why I hold information back in general

She's also constantly challenging me to try Yoga. Which I refuse to do since I spent an obscene amount of money on my golf membership. But, and again this is new, rather then try to tell me whatever its just money just spend it, she wants to show me some basic techniques I can do at home, rather then go the gym to do it. Just so different

- I talked to Justine last night. In case you're wondering she was my Australian fling. Mmmmm good times. But she's funny (and she has no idea) because she's absolute wife material, and it only took 2 meetings with her to figure it out. Its unbelieve how she can come from a private Catholic University in the States, being well versed in all notions of God, Jesus, spirituality and a strict moral compass, but at the same time going out and partying and drinking and oh God could she dance. And the way she looked at me with those beautiful green eyes as she kissed me... I don't think I could ever get that again. She's the type of girl you could bring home and introduce to your mom, but at the same time could drink you under the table.

Aaaanyways, she's doing well and we got to catch up a little on things. She's gonna be successful. Very successful. I have a feeling you're going to hear about her in the next few years.

- Cottage this weekend. More stories to come. More confusion, shame and maybe a little bit of fun? Maybe?

- All my big jobs are done, nobody is expecting anything from me. Shaping up to be a pretty decent summer!

Next time... Maybe I will tell the Justine story...

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