Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Weekend Update


Drove to the cottage with Mike and Jo. That might have been the best part of the whole weekend! Just talking about music, cracking jokes, making fun of the Tim Hortons employees, just anticipating a good weekend. Anticipation is always better then the experience

Got in at around midnight, everyone was already gassed, which is so funny. When you're sober drunk people seem so stupid, but whatever. Unpacked my tent, looked inside and realized that my mother (who had used it last) didn't pack the tent rods in it when she packed it up again. Sooo 10 minutes in I've lost the only semblance of privacy. The introvert has nowhere to hide away, that's going to go well.

I think the usual cast of characters was there. The guy who always brings a new girl to the cottage so we don't bother to get to know her because she will be replaced, the couples, the flamboyant drunk.. you know, the usual

So we just drank and played some cards, made a fire and chilled around it for the night, nothing special


Got up at like 10am. Fuck nothing really happened, I don't really remember. Ummm my buddy got an air gun for his birthday so we were shooting the air guns at targets which was fun. Then we decided, hey lets go hunt some animals. Don't worry we didn't hit anything.

We drank straight through Thursday and worked through the first keg. and we were like oh shit there's only 1 more keg left, which is unbelievable like 12 kids over 2 nights drank an entire keg.

Oh I almost forgot my buddy Rob got belligerent at like 9pm, and when a girl wouldn't do a keg stand proceeded to scream "Why don't you man up you fucking bitch!!" and we were like ohh my shit dude take it easy, and we were all cracking up laughing and he was stumbling around. then proceeded to hurl in the woods while we were all on the floor laughing.

After that he went in his tent and passed out. We then opened the tent and lifted him by his air mattress, and put him outside on the table. We then proceeded to throw eggs at him while he slept and he didn't even flinch. We went to bed with him still outside on the table


We wanted to watch the world cup game so we went into the bar in the city. Bar was closed until 11am and the game started at 10. So we drove to another town to find the bar. On the way Rob's muffler fell off and was dragging on the ground and I heard it in the back. After 30 mins of repair we were off again, checking bars until 11 when all of them opened and we grabbed breakfast and watched the Oranje kick ass!! I got in a big argument with a buddy about the red card. I was getting really pissed but thats just my competitiveness

Also, I may or may not have killed a squirrel. I may or may not have been playing with a gun, and a squirrel may or may not have ran in front of my shot. I may or may not have felt awful and buried him. Yea... it was messed. Wait, may or may not have been messed.

Friday night ended up being really fucked up. So some 17 year old kids came by. Apparently these kids are part of the baddest family in the town, whom everyone is afraid to mess with. They wanted to start drinking with us and us like adult mid 25 year olds, start challenging them to drinking competitions.

They were 1 short on players so I said I would join their team. So then the 17 year olds won! and wow my friends were piiiissed. But I was like we are not big drinkers though we think we are why would we challenge them? Man we suck. So then my buddy starts chirping me, and I get the 17 year olds to start chirping him with me, which pisses him off.

Then we decide to challenge through arm wrestles. A friggin 17 year old 240lb kid beat the hell out of me in arm wrestling. I honestly didn't think I would lose. Then a 17 year old wrestles my buddy and kicks his ass! It was messed (but more on that later)

In the end the 17 year olds got in a fight with a chick in our group and she was all pissed and so we told them to go home and everyone was all pissy, like dogs licking their wounds


Saturday was beer olympics. Me Dave and Rob and other chick were on a team, and I though a really good team

Beer Pong - We won all 3 games easily and took first place on that. I'm a fucking fantastic beet pong player because I'm so tall I can see the trajectory. Also I cheat because my arms are so long I can stretch across the table. Also, when people chirp me I get really focused and always hit my shot. So when Adrienne before I threw yelled "my friend Kristina" I was pissed, hit my shot and just glared at her!

Flip Cup - I'm also really good a flip cup, but I don't like to play because I like feel the pressure when I don't flip properly so rather then enjoy the game I get nervous. I flipped perfectly all 3 times I played but didn't enjoy and we came in 3rd out of 4 teams

Tips - Ummm frisbee 1 person tips the thrown frisbee and the other catches. I'm a fucking athlete so I have good reflected and I'm flexible so I'm good at this game too. We didn't make it to the end but we got in a big fight because of cheating ect but pizza came half way through which pretty much ended the olympics

Soooooooo that night, after we had gone through 3 kegs we were downing beer and my buddy was all pissed. So I asked him and basically he was mad that I turned the 17 year olds on him, and that he was going through issues and I should have known not to piss him off and that as a group we pick on him blah blah blah I don't wanna get into it because its not really entertaining, but I had to try to put out that fire all night

The other thing that was messed up was these girls came down to see our party, now a couple things really pissed me off about this

1) If you come down to someone Else's party, and then tell them their party sucks, then why did you come in the first place, go the fuck home and sit in the dark if that's more fun

2) If you're a girl and you're super pissed at another girl, STOP BEING A PUSSY AND JUST GIVING DIRTY LOOKS. You think you're all fucking hard, get in a fight. Don't get all pissy and talk about kicking ass then stand on the sidelines with a mean look. God that makes me wanna punch you

3) If you come down to someone else's party and your presence is causing friction, either ease the friction or get the fuck out. Don't sit around making things worse..

So that ended Saturday night

Ride home was lame, stuck in traffic, I had to drive a part of it, I was tired as hell...

There goes another unspectacular cottage weekend. Honestly I think I'd rather spend it golfing.. alone... then again I am an introvert

One Love

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