I was suiting up for my football game. I'm in the NFL playing for a team in Red. I think it was the Atlanta Falcons. I'm on defence playing linebacker. The other team huts the ball and throws a little out pass to a guy. I tackle him but he pushes forward, until another teammate knocks the ball out of his hands and returns the fumble for a touchdown.
That's my only play in the game. I finish the game and head to this party. Me, Dave, Mike and Rob are there. It's actually bright in the location, lots of white walls and high ceilings with lights and TV's everywhere. We joke as we watch my NFL game and I realize that the guy I tackled was Dave. He plays on the other team and I didn't know this.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
My wedding
I was at my house, downtown. In the city I look around and everything seems amazing. My whole life is ahead of me. I’m getting married.
I have the vague impression that I don’t know this girl too well. For some reason I feel as if I have only known her for 4 or 5 months. But my parents are happy and I feel amazing at the prospect of marrying this girl
She has the best traits in my mind: she lets me be me, she wants me to hang out with my friends, she has her own life her own friends her own career. She’s so independent that she’s not even at the house right now and we are getting married in a few days.
The wedding seems to be at my house so everyone is here doing planning and other junk I do not care about. I decide that for some reason I’m feeling a little nervous.
I go and take a walk with my cousin Matt. I tell him I need to take a break and just chill. He agrees and we take a walk down the sidewalk. We jaywalk across an intersection and I notice a door which has been boarded up. It looks familiar but I am not concerned with it. It remind me of a boarded up door at my house
Next thing I know I’m in a room with a girl named Jessi. I have only met her once and have no particular feelings towards her. The room is made of wood and there are no lights on. Light comes in from the breaks in the wooden walls so that it makes lines across people’s faces.
There is another guy, Mike sitting beside me. He doesn’t look at me and I glance only briefly at him. He grabs his phone and starts typing. Jessi yells at him “ don’t you dare type that message” He does anyway and sends it. I know who he is typing to: Kristen. But I’m not really concerned. I don’t think anything of it
My future wife’s face is so vividly etched in my mind. She’s not somebody I know, but she seems to have traits from a number of women I knew.
She is tall, with deep brown hair, no shades of any other colour. She has a very cute face, high cheek bones and a very small jaw. Her face is round without being fat. She is probably between a size 6 and an 8 but she is 6’2. She dressed very casually and is proud of her figure. She has an easy smile and a calm confident demeanor. She knows she’s happy to marry me and has made the right choice. I feel the same… I love her
But it’s just a dream….
I have the vague impression that I don’t know this girl too well. For some reason I feel as if I have only known her for 4 or 5 months. But my parents are happy and I feel amazing at the prospect of marrying this girl
She has the best traits in my mind: she lets me be me, she wants me to hang out with my friends, she has her own life her own friends her own career. She’s so independent that she’s not even at the house right now and we are getting married in a few days.
The wedding seems to be at my house so everyone is here doing planning and other junk I do not care about. I decide that for some reason I’m feeling a little nervous.
I go and take a walk with my cousin Matt. I tell him I need to take a break and just chill. He agrees and we take a walk down the sidewalk. We jaywalk across an intersection and I notice a door which has been boarded up. It looks familiar but I am not concerned with it. It remind me of a boarded up door at my house
Next thing I know I’m in a room with a girl named Jessi. I have only met her once and have no particular feelings towards her. The room is made of wood and there are no lights on. Light comes in from the breaks in the wooden walls so that it makes lines across people’s faces.
There is another guy, Mike sitting beside me. He doesn’t look at me and I glance only briefly at him. He grabs his phone and starts typing. Jessi yells at him “ don’t you dare type that message” He does anyway and sends it. I know who he is typing to: Kristen. But I’m not really concerned. I don’t think anything of it
My future wife’s face is so vividly etched in my mind. She’s not somebody I know, but she seems to have traits from a number of women I knew.
She is tall, with deep brown hair, no shades of any other colour. She has a very cute face, high cheek bones and a very small jaw. Her face is round without being fat. She is probably between a size 6 and an 8 but she is 6’2. She dressed very casually and is proud of her figure. She has an easy smile and a calm confident demeanor. She knows she’s happy to marry me and has made the right choice. I feel the same… I love her
But it’s just a dream….
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The dream
I sat on the rocks, looking out into the bay, feeling the sun on my face, the wind at my back and memories of things past floating through my mind.
What have I done? What have I experienced? Have I touched anyone in my short life? Do people remember me? Will people remember me?
After the wedding, after the pictures, it was her...
Looking around the dance floor, drink in my hand, smile on my face thinking: "whatever happens, coming out to this wedding was worth it, this has been so much fun". Then she made it perfect...
Will Smith's Gettin jiggy with it was on, and she looks at me and yells: OMG do you remember this song, and starts doing the dance along with me... Na na na na ne na na! I scream back: "Hell yea I definitely remember this song, do you remember the dance?"
and on cue we both do the Will Smith dance cracking up laughing, all the memories of my childhood come flooding back, just being free, dancing and enjoying myself. She and I get to talking. We talk about music, about the wedding, how we know the bride and groom.
I ask if I can buy her a drink and we go to the bar grab our drinks and get back to dancing. I get to dance with the bride, but my eyes are always on her. I wonder if she likes me or if she's just being nice. Does she want to talk more, or was one dance all she was really looking for?
A slow song comes on and the bride goes to dance with her spouse. I notice she's checking her cell phone, so I tell her that her boyfriend can wait. She laughs and tells me immediately that she's single. I smile and ask her if she wants to dance. We dance a slow dance and talk some more. I'm already feelin this girl; she's amazing, but seriously this is a wedding, what am I doing? What am I looking for?
We dance for a few more songs. I'm not paying attention to anyone but her. I can't keep my eyes off of her.
Long black hair down to her shoulders blowing in the wind of the hall. soft skin, olive coloured with a few cute freckles. The most amazing eyes so bright and hazel they illuminate yellow in the night. A soft warm smile that's directed right at me... She's beautiful; classic beautiful and I can't stop looking at her...
The party ends at 1 and we go looking for an after party to hang out with people. We find that the rooms where the parties are happen to be dark. We decide to look for people but can't find anybody.
All I can think is she's going to give up and go to bed. But I can't. I'll probably never see her again and I will regret not spending more time with her. She's got me, and all I can think about right now is her.
As we walk I think about how I can show her how into her I am. I want to hold her hand but it's a bold move; we have just met, I am just as likely to get slapped, but I have to take a chance. My hand moves very slowly to her's, as my fingers touch her palm. She doesn't move her hand, so I inch closer,. She spreads her fingers and welcomes my hand into hers. She likes me! I think...
"Do you want to take a walk down by the beach" I ask, taking another massive leap and brace for a slap. "Sure, yea" is all the reply I get, but now I know she's feelin me.
As we walk in the dark, hand-in-hand down the beach all I can think is how lucky I feel. How this beautiful girl with black hair and yellow eyes keeps looking at me with affection. How we don't live in the same state and will never see each other again, but how we both want to get lost in the moment. the beauty of the moonlight on the beach after seeing an amazing wedding.
"If you had told me 2 weeks ago that I would be walking with a beautiful girl under the moonlight, looking up at the stars I'd have told you that you were crazy" she laughs and agrees as we squeeze our hands tighter.
Now or never man... Now or never... I stop, while she takes a few more steps pulling ahead of me, and I pull her back to me. I wrap my other arm around her waist and look up at the stars with her. She doesn't stop me, nor does she move my hand from her waist. We stare at the stars searching for the constellations. I notice the beauty of the night sky setting in on the harbour where I was sitting around just a few hours ago with the sun on my face.
Its beautiful, it's perfect, she's perfect and I can't believe she's with me. I look down at her as she's looking up into the sky. She notices me and our eyes meet. I slowly lean my head down, and kiss her, softly gauging her reaction and if she will kiss me back. She does. Under the moonlight there stands the 2 of us exchanging in a sweet kiss on the beach. Me, in my suit and tie; and her in her formal dress, kissing under the stars.
We continue to kiss as I lay her down on the sand, her hands in ming laying in the sand over her head. It's perfect, nothing could ruin this. We stop and I lie down beside her and we look at the harbour, at the city in the distance, at the isolation we are currently in, and we kiss again.
We kiss for hours, stopping to talk about our lives, our hopes and dreams, and how amazing this feels. How perfect this night turned out to be
It's 4am and we're getting cold. I walk back to her room. I give her my coat she so isn't cold. We get back and she kisses me again, and thanks me for the night. She grabs my hand and pulls me into her room...
My alarm goes off... It was a dream. A wedding dream...
One Love
What have I done? What have I experienced? Have I touched anyone in my short life? Do people remember me? Will people remember me?
After the wedding, after the pictures, it was her...
Looking around the dance floor, drink in my hand, smile on my face thinking: "whatever happens, coming out to this wedding was worth it, this has been so much fun". Then she made it perfect...
Will Smith's Gettin jiggy with it was on, and she looks at me and yells: OMG do you remember this song, and starts doing the dance along with me... Na na na na ne na na! I scream back: "Hell yea I definitely remember this song, do you remember the dance?"
and on cue we both do the Will Smith dance cracking up laughing, all the memories of my childhood come flooding back, just being free, dancing and enjoying myself. She and I get to talking. We talk about music, about the wedding, how we know the bride and groom.
I ask if I can buy her a drink and we go to the bar grab our drinks and get back to dancing. I get to dance with the bride, but my eyes are always on her. I wonder if she likes me or if she's just being nice. Does she want to talk more, or was one dance all she was really looking for?
A slow song comes on and the bride goes to dance with her spouse. I notice she's checking her cell phone, so I tell her that her boyfriend can wait. She laughs and tells me immediately that she's single. I smile and ask her if she wants to dance. We dance a slow dance and talk some more. I'm already feelin this girl; she's amazing, but seriously this is a wedding, what am I doing? What am I looking for?
We dance for a few more songs. I'm not paying attention to anyone but her. I can't keep my eyes off of her.
Long black hair down to her shoulders blowing in the wind of the hall. soft skin, olive coloured with a few cute freckles. The most amazing eyes so bright and hazel they illuminate yellow in the night. A soft warm smile that's directed right at me... She's beautiful; classic beautiful and I can't stop looking at her...
The party ends at 1 and we go looking for an after party to hang out with people. We find that the rooms where the parties are happen to be dark. We decide to look for people but can't find anybody.
All I can think is she's going to give up and go to bed. But I can't. I'll probably never see her again and I will regret not spending more time with her. She's got me, and all I can think about right now is her.
As we walk I think about how I can show her how into her I am. I want to hold her hand but it's a bold move; we have just met, I am just as likely to get slapped, but I have to take a chance. My hand moves very slowly to her's, as my fingers touch her palm. She doesn't move her hand, so I inch closer,. She spreads her fingers and welcomes my hand into hers. She likes me! I think...
"Do you want to take a walk down by the beach" I ask, taking another massive leap and brace for a slap. "Sure, yea" is all the reply I get, but now I know she's feelin me.
As we walk in the dark, hand-in-hand down the beach all I can think is how lucky I feel. How this beautiful girl with black hair and yellow eyes keeps looking at me with affection. How we don't live in the same state and will never see each other again, but how we both want to get lost in the moment. the beauty of the moonlight on the beach after seeing an amazing wedding.
"If you had told me 2 weeks ago that I would be walking with a beautiful girl under the moonlight, looking up at the stars I'd have told you that you were crazy" she laughs and agrees as we squeeze our hands tighter.
Now or never man... Now or never... I stop, while she takes a few more steps pulling ahead of me, and I pull her back to me. I wrap my other arm around her waist and look up at the stars with her. She doesn't stop me, nor does she move my hand from her waist. We stare at the stars searching for the constellations. I notice the beauty of the night sky setting in on the harbour where I was sitting around just a few hours ago with the sun on my face.
Its beautiful, it's perfect, she's perfect and I can't believe she's with me. I look down at her as she's looking up into the sky. She notices me and our eyes meet. I slowly lean my head down, and kiss her, softly gauging her reaction and if she will kiss me back. She does. Under the moonlight there stands the 2 of us exchanging in a sweet kiss on the beach. Me, in my suit and tie; and her in her formal dress, kissing under the stars.
We continue to kiss as I lay her down on the sand, her hands in ming laying in the sand over her head. It's perfect, nothing could ruin this. We stop and I lie down beside her and we look at the harbour, at the city in the distance, at the isolation we are currently in, and we kiss again.
We kiss for hours, stopping to talk about our lives, our hopes and dreams, and how amazing this feels. How perfect this night turned out to be
It's 4am and we're getting cold. I walk back to her room. I give her my coat she so isn't cold. We get back and she kisses me again, and thanks me for the night. She grabs my hand and pulls me into her room...
My alarm goes off... It was a dream. A wedding dream...
One Love
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Random thoughts....
Morning, Today is a tweener day for me. I'm stuck in ass nowhere on a client engagement but the file is back with my manager in Toronto and I'm waiting here for his comments so I can either continue working, or head home
So I'm bored... and figured I would share some things running through my head
I hate golf: It's such a love/hate thing I have with the game of golf. On one hand it's so nice to be able to get out onto the course on a nice sunny day, take in the atmosphere and really challenge yourself. It's not easy, its unbelievably hard to play golf and I like that, I like a challenge. On the other hand I wonder why I continue to play something that seemingly frustrates me every single time I play. I mean am I really having fun if I'm angry all the time? I don't know I just don't know.
I am so fucking busy! Tonight: Volleyball, Thursday: Ball hockey Friday: golf/drinking, Saturday: beach with friends, Sunday: Swimming, Monday: golf, Tuesday: volleyball.... You see what I'm getting at
Lady Gaga = Madonna: I'd been thinking about this for a while, but it's true. A woman whose music isn't the message; she is the message. Someone who's artificial, manufactured contrived music takes a back seat to her pursing the boundaries of controversial sexuality, and shocking behaviour. Tell me, who is that Lady gaga or Madonna?
I want a motorcycle: That is all
I feel like I'm loving shit right now: I'm being active, being social, I'm back to a healthy weight, I feel good about myself, I'm in my own place with my own life, identity and challenges and I'm enjoying all facets of life right now
RIP George Steinbriener You could have been Wellington Mara. MLB could have been the NFL... But its not..
One Love
So I'm bored... and figured I would share some things running through my head
I hate golf: It's such a love/hate thing I have with the game of golf. On one hand it's so nice to be able to get out onto the course on a nice sunny day, take in the atmosphere and really challenge yourself. It's not easy, its unbelievably hard to play golf and I like that, I like a challenge. On the other hand I wonder why I continue to play something that seemingly frustrates me every single time I play. I mean am I really having fun if I'm angry all the time? I don't know I just don't know.
I am so fucking busy! Tonight: Volleyball, Thursday: Ball hockey Friday: golf/drinking, Saturday: beach with friends, Sunday: Swimming, Monday: golf, Tuesday: volleyball.... You see what I'm getting at
Lady Gaga = Madonna: I'd been thinking about this for a while, but it's true. A woman whose music isn't the message; she is the message. Someone who's artificial, manufactured contrived music takes a back seat to her pursing the boundaries of controversial sexuality, and shocking behaviour. Tell me, who is that Lady gaga or Madonna?
I want a motorcycle: That is all
I feel like I'm loving shit right now: I'm being active, being social, I'm back to a healthy weight, I feel good about myself, I'm in my own place with my own life, identity and challenges and I'm enjoying all facets of life right now
RIP George Steinbriener You could have been Wellington Mara. MLB could have been the NFL... But its not..
One Love
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Weekend Update
Drove to the cottage with Mike and Jo. That might have been the best part of the whole weekend! Just talking about music, cracking jokes, making fun of the Tim Hortons employees, just anticipating a good weekend. Anticipation is always better then the experience
Got in at around midnight, everyone was already gassed, which is so funny. When you're sober drunk people seem so stupid, but whatever. Unpacked my tent, looked inside and realized that my mother (who had used it last) didn't pack the tent rods in it when she packed it up again. Sooo 10 minutes in I've lost the only semblance of privacy. The introvert has nowhere to hide away, that's going to go well.
I think the usual cast of characters was there. The guy who always brings a new girl to the cottage so we don't bother to get to know her because she will be replaced, the couples, the flamboyant drunk.. you know, the usual
So we just drank and played some cards, made a fire and chilled around it for the night, nothing special
Got up at like 10am. Fuck nothing really happened, I don't really remember. Ummm my buddy got an air gun for his birthday so we were shooting the air guns at targets which was fun. Then we decided, hey lets go hunt some animals. Don't worry we didn't hit anything.
We drank straight through Thursday and worked through the first keg. and we were like oh shit there's only 1 more keg left, which is unbelievable like 12 kids over 2 nights drank an entire keg.
Oh I almost forgot my buddy Rob got belligerent at like 9pm, and when a girl wouldn't do a keg stand proceeded to scream "Why don't you man up you fucking bitch!!" and we were like ohh my shit dude take it easy, and we were all cracking up laughing and he was stumbling around. then proceeded to hurl in the woods while we were all on the floor laughing.
After that he went in his tent and passed out. We then opened the tent and lifted him by his air mattress, and put him outside on the table. We then proceeded to throw eggs at him while he slept and he didn't even flinch. We went to bed with him still outside on the table
We wanted to watch the world cup game so we went into the bar in the city. Bar was closed until 11am and the game started at 10. So we drove to another town to find the bar. On the way Rob's muffler fell off and was dragging on the ground and I heard it in the back. After 30 mins of repair we were off again, checking bars until 11 when all of them opened and we grabbed breakfast and watched the Oranje kick ass!! I got in a big argument with a buddy about the red card. I was getting really pissed but thats just my competitiveness
Also, I may or may not have killed a squirrel. I may or may not have been playing with a gun, and a squirrel may or may not have ran in front of my shot. I may or may not have felt awful and buried him. Yea... it was messed. Wait, may or may not have been messed.
Friday night ended up being really fucked up. So some 17 year old kids came by. Apparently these kids are part of the baddest family in the town, whom everyone is afraid to mess with. They wanted to start drinking with us and us like adult mid 25 year olds, start challenging them to drinking competitions.
They were 1 short on players so I said I would join their team. So then the 17 year olds won! and wow my friends were piiiissed. But I was like we are not big drinkers though we think we are why would we challenge them? Man we suck. So then my buddy starts chirping me, and I get the 17 year olds to start chirping him with me, which pisses him off.
Then we decide to challenge through arm wrestles. A friggin 17 year old 240lb kid beat the hell out of me in arm wrestling. I honestly didn't think I would lose. Then a 17 year old wrestles my buddy and kicks his ass! It was messed (but more on that later)
In the end the 17 year olds got in a fight with a chick in our group and she was all pissed and so we told them to go home and everyone was all pissy, like dogs licking their wounds
Saturday was beer olympics. Me Dave and Rob and other chick were on a team, and I though a really good team
Beer Pong - We won all 3 games easily and took first place on that. I'm a fucking fantastic beet pong player because I'm so tall I can see the trajectory. Also I cheat because my arms are so long I can stretch across the table. Also, when people chirp me I get really focused and always hit my shot. So when Adrienne before I threw yelled "my friend Kristina" I was pissed, hit my shot and just glared at her!
Flip Cup - I'm also really good a flip cup, but I don't like to play because I like feel the pressure when I don't flip properly so rather then enjoy the game I get nervous. I flipped perfectly all 3 times I played but didn't enjoy and we came in 3rd out of 4 teams
Tips - Ummm frisbee 1 person tips the thrown frisbee and the other catches. I'm a fucking athlete so I have good reflected and I'm flexible so I'm good at this game too. We didn't make it to the end but we got in a big fight because of cheating ect but pizza came half way through which pretty much ended the olympics
Soooooooo that night, after we had gone through 3 kegs we were downing beer and my buddy was all pissed. So I asked him and basically he was mad that I turned the 17 year olds on him, and that he was going through issues and I should have known not to piss him off and that as a group we pick on him blah blah blah I don't wanna get into it because its not really entertaining, but I had to try to put out that fire all night
The other thing that was messed up was these girls came down to see our party, now a couple things really pissed me off about this
1) If you come down to someone Else's party, and then tell them their party sucks, then why did you come in the first place, go the fuck home and sit in the dark if that's more fun
2) If you're a girl and you're super pissed at another girl, STOP BEING A PUSSY AND JUST GIVING DIRTY LOOKS. You think you're all fucking hard, get in a fight. Don't get all pissy and talk about kicking ass then stand on the sidelines with a mean look. God that makes me wanna punch you
3) If you come down to someone else's party and your presence is causing friction, either ease the friction or get the fuck out. Don't sit around making things worse..
So that ended Saturday night
Ride home was lame, stuck in traffic, I had to drive a part of it, I was tired as hell...
There goes another unspectacular cottage weekend. Honestly I think I'd rather spend it golfing.. alone... then again I am an introvert
One Love
Drove to the cottage with Mike and Jo. That might have been the best part of the whole weekend! Just talking about music, cracking jokes, making fun of the Tim Hortons employees, just anticipating a good weekend. Anticipation is always better then the experience
Got in at around midnight, everyone was already gassed, which is so funny. When you're sober drunk people seem so stupid, but whatever. Unpacked my tent, looked inside and realized that my mother (who had used it last) didn't pack the tent rods in it when she packed it up again. Sooo 10 minutes in I've lost the only semblance of privacy. The introvert has nowhere to hide away, that's going to go well.
I think the usual cast of characters was there. The guy who always brings a new girl to the cottage so we don't bother to get to know her because she will be replaced, the couples, the flamboyant drunk.. you know, the usual
So we just drank and played some cards, made a fire and chilled around it for the night, nothing special
Got up at like 10am. Fuck nothing really happened, I don't really remember. Ummm my buddy got an air gun for his birthday so we were shooting the air guns at targets which was fun. Then we decided, hey lets go hunt some animals. Don't worry we didn't hit anything.
We drank straight through Thursday and worked through the first keg. and we were like oh shit there's only 1 more keg left, which is unbelievable like 12 kids over 2 nights drank an entire keg.
Oh I almost forgot my buddy Rob got belligerent at like 9pm, and when a girl wouldn't do a keg stand proceeded to scream "Why don't you man up you fucking bitch!!" and we were like ohh my shit dude take it easy, and we were all cracking up laughing and he was stumbling around. then proceeded to hurl in the woods while we were all on the floor laughing.
After that he went in his tent and passed out. We then opened the tent and lifted him by his air mattress, and put him outside on the table. We then proceeded to throw eggs at him while he slept and he didn't even flinch. We went to bed with him still outside on the table
We wanted to watch the world cup game so we went into the bar in the city. Bar was closed until 11am and the game started at 10. So we drove to another town to find the bar. On the way Rob's muffler fell off and was dragging on the ground and I heard it in the back. After 30 mins of repair we were off again, checking bars until 11 when all of them opened and we grabbed breakfast and watched the Oranje kick ass!! I got in a big argument with a buddy about the red card. I was getting really pissed but thats just my competitiveness
Also, I may or may not have killed a squirrel. I may or may not have been playing with a gun, and a squirrel may or may not have ran in front of my shot. I may or may not have felt awful and buried him. Yea... it was messed. Wait, may or may not have been messed.
Friday night ended up being really fucked up. So some 17 year old kids came by. Apparently these kids are part of the baddest family in the town, whom everyone is afraid to mess with. They wanted to start drinking with us and us like adult mid 25 year olds, start challenging them to drinking competitions.
They were 1 short on players so I said I would join their team. So then the 17 year olds won! and wow my friends were piiiissed. But I was like we are not big drinkers though we think we are why would we challenge them? Man we suck. So then my buddy starts chirping me, and I get the 17 year olds to start chirping him with me, which pisses him off.
Then we decide to challenge through arm wrestles. A friggin 17 year old 240lb kid beat the hell out of me in arm wrestling. I honestly didn't think I would lose. Then a 17 year old wrestles my buddy and kicks his ass! It was messed (but more on that later)
In the end the 17 year olds got in a fight with a chick in our group and she was all pissed and so we told them to go home and everyone was all pissy, like dogs licking their wounds
Saturday was beer olympics. Me Dave and Rob and other chick were on a team, and I though a really good team
Beer Pong - We won all 3 games easily and took first place on that. I'm a fucking fantastic beet pong player because I'm so tall I can see the trajectory. Also I cheat because my arms are so long I can stretch across the table. Also, when people chirp me I get really focused and always hit my shot. So when Adrienne before I threw yelled "my friend Kristina" I was pissed, hit my shot and just glared at her!
Flip Cup - I'm also really good a flip cup, but I don't like to play because I like feel the pressure when I don't flip properly so rather then enjoy the game I get nervous. I flipped perfectly all 3 times I played but didn't enjoy and we came in 3rd out of 4 teams
Tips - Ummm frisbee 1 person tips the thrown frisbee and the other catches. I'm a fucking athlete so I have good reflected and I'm flexible so I'm good at this game too. We didn't make it to the end but we got in a big fight because of cheating ect but pizza came half way through which pretty much ended the olympics
Soooooooo that night, after we had gone through 3 kegs we were downing beer and my buddy was all pissed. So I asked him and basically he was mad that I turned the 17 year olds on him, and that he was going through issues and I should have known not to piss him off and that as a group we pick on him blah blah blah I don't wanna get into it because its not really entertaining, but I had to try to put out that fire all night
The other thing that was messed up was these girls came down to see our party, now a couple things really pissed me off about this
1) If you come down to someone Else's party, and then tell them their party sucks, then why did you come in the first place, go the fuck home and sit in the dark if that's more fun
2) If you're a girl and you're super pissed at another girl, STOP BEING A PUSSY AND JUST GIVING DIRTY LOOKS. You think you're all fucking hard, get in a fight. Don't get all pissy and talk about kicking ass then stand on the sidelines with a mean look. God that makes me wanna punch you
3) If you come down to someone else's party and your presence is causing friction, either ease the friction or get the fuck out. Don't sit around making things worse..
So that ended Saturday night
Ride home was lame, stuck in traffic, I had to drive a part of it, I was tired as hell...
There goes another unspectacular cottage weekend. Honestly I think I'd rather spend it golfing.. alone... then again I am an introvert
One Love
Monday, June 28, 2010
Keep forgetting to update blog...
Hmmm what to say what to say... It's tough because there are things I want to say, but given this is a public blog people can still find me and I can still get in trouble.
Updates to my life? (also I'm using names based on tennis players for some reason)
- I've made a new friend, who already has had a big impact on my life. Her name is Serena and she's a Yoga instructor who has already challenged everything that I believe in and everything that I choose to be. It's very interesting as I am a very private person and she has been the only person to look at me and say: "why are you so introverted, what is the purpose of this, in the end what is it accomplishing". I've never been asked that. Most of the time all people care about is getting information out of me, rather then ask why I hold information back in general
She's also constantly challenging me to try Yoga. Which I refuse to do since I spent an obscene amount of money on my golf membership. But, and again this is new, rather then try to tell me whatever its just money just spend it, she wants to show me some basic techniques I can do at home, rather then go the gym to do it. Just so different
- I talked to Justine last night. In case you're wondering she was my Australian fling. Mmmmm good times. But she's funny (and she has no idea) because she's absolute wife material, and it only took 2 meetings with her to figure it out. Its unbelieve how she can come from a private Catholic University in the States, being well versed in all notions of God, Jesus, spirituality and a strict moral compass, but at the same time going out and partying and drinking and oh God could she dance. And the way she looked at me with those beautiful green eyes as she kissed me... I don't think I could ever get that again. She's the type of girl you could bring home and introduce to your mom, but at the same time could drink you under the table.
Aaaanyways, she's doing well and we got to catch up a little on things. She's gonna be successful. Very successful. I have a feeling you're going to hear about her in the next few years.
- Cottage this weekend. More stories to come. More confusion, shame and maybe a little bit of fun? Maybe?
- All my big jobs are done, nobody is expecting anything from me. Shaping up to be a pretty decent summer!
Next time... Maybe I will tell the Justine story...
Updates to my life? (also I'm using names based on tennis players for some reason)
- I've made a new friend, who already has had a big impact on my life. Her name is Serena and she's a Yoga instructor who has already challenged everything that I believe in and everything that I choose to be. It's very interesting as I am a very private person and she has been the only person to look at me and say: "why are you so introverted, what is the purpose of this, in the end what is it accomplishing". I've never been asked that. Most of the time all people care about is getting information out of me, rather then ask why I hold information back in general
She's also constantly challenging me to try Yoga. Which I refuse to do since I spent an obscene amount of money on my golf membership. But, and again this is new, rather then try to tell me whatever its just money just spend it, she wants to show me some basic techniques I can do at home, rather then go the gym to do it. Just so different
- I talked to Justine last night. In case you're wondering she was my Australian fling. Mmmmm good times. But she's funny (and she has no idea) because she's absolute wife material, and it only took 2 meetings with her to figure it out. Its unbelieve how she can come from a private Catholic University in the States, being well versed in all notions of God, Jesus, spirituality and a strict moral compass, but at the same time going out and partying and drinking and oh God could she dance. And the way she looked at me with those beautiful green eyes as she kissed me... I don't think I could ever get that again. She's the type of girl you could bring home and introduce to your mom, but at the same time could drink you under the table.
Aaaanyways, she's doing well and we got to catch up a little on things. She's gonna be successful. Very successful. I have a feeling you're going to hear about her in the next few years.
- Cottage this weekend. More stories to come. More confusion, shame and maybe a little bit of fun? Maybe?
- All my big jobs are done, nobody is expecting anything from me. Shaping up to be a pretty decent summer!
Next time... Maybe I will tell the Justine story...
Friday, June 11, 2010
World cup
In light of the start of the World Cup I figured I would list all the reasons I love the world cup, while at the same time list reasons I hate Toronto FC.
I love the world cup because The top players play, simple as that. Nobody could possibly refuse an invitation to their club team, and they play with a passion for their country, it really means something to them. It reminds me of when I would play hockey against these American powerhouse teams who would recruit American players from all over the States to face us. and it was a national pride thing for us. We hated them, we couldn't lose to them. That x1,000,000,000 is the world cup... pretty cool
I hate TFC because The worst players play, simple as that. TFC is considered "major league" soccer but my God if you've been playing soccer for your whole life, and you're THAT bad, you should give up. and in Toronto, the sheeple think their players are soooooo good, and that pisses me off because it's insulting to good soccer players
I love the world cup because The brand of soccer is just beautiful to watch. The different styles, from Portugal's stylistic attacking style, to Brasil's new gritty counterattack win style, to Italy's defence and through-ball style the essence of good sport is multiple strategies played out against each other. It's like war but nobody dies.
I hate TFC because The brand of soccer is like watching a group of temporarily blind (because if they were really blind they could follow the ball with its sound) 1 lunged, 1 leged asylum patients play soccer. Its like a circus of nothingness with no organization, no skill and mediocre heart try to play a game you play with all your heart and soul.
I love the world cup because Everybody gets into it. People who don't know shit about soccer and normally call it boring give it a chance and embrace the soccer community. Its beautiful to watch. Sure its a tad annoying that people claim to be soccer fans for 1 month every 4 years but the atmosphere is worth it because basically they admit it
I hate TFC because Douchebag sheeple in Toronto. Ok here's the thing. In Toronto we are always searching to be the hip European sort of city, all cultured and shit. We also want to be know as a "big team" city so we don't support The Toronto Marlies or the Mississauga Ice Dogs because its not Pro hockey. We don't support Inter-county baseball because its not pro baseball. We only support pro teams. But we support TFC because were all fucking idiots and we actually think TFC is a pro soccer team and MLS is a pro soccer league. It's not. Its amateur, but its insulting to amateur because amateur players make up for kill through effort, but MLS doesn't really do that. But we support it because it supports our fucking delusion that its a "major league" (its not) which plays "major league soccer" (it doesn't). Its rank amateurish soccer that we root and cheer for even though we claim were to big for amateur sports.
I love the world cup because Rivalries... Its one of the big reasons I love college football the rivalries are just so much fun. I can't wait to see USA vs England and if you could see Brasil vs Argentina or Spain vs Portugal its just fun, its exciting...
All in all I love world cup time. Its the beautiful summer for the beautiful game. Find a patio, get some friends together have a couple pints and enjoy the month!
One Love...
I love the world cup because The top players play, simple as that. Nobody could possibly refuse an invitation to their club team, and they play with a passion for their country, it really means something to them. It reminds me of when I would play hockey against these American powerhouse teams who would recruit American players from all over the States to face us. and it was a national pride thing for us. We hated them, we couldn't lose to them. That x1,000,000,000 is the world cup... pretty cool
I hate TFC because The worst players play, simple as that. TFC is considered "major league" soccer but my God if you've been playing soccer for your whole life, and you're THAT bad, you should give up. and in Toronto, the sheeple think their players are soooooo good, and that pisses me off because it's insulting to good soccer players
I love the world cup because The brand of soccer is just beautiful to watch. The different styles, from Portugal's stylistic attacking style, to Brasil's new gritty counterattack win style, to Italy's defence and through-ball style the essence of good sport is multiple strategies played out against each other. It's like war but nobody dies.
I hate TFC because The brand of soccer is like watching a group of temporarily blind (because if they were really blind they could follow the ball with its sound) 1 lunged, 1 leged asylum patients play soccer. Its like a circus of nothingness with no organization, no skill and mediocre heart try to play a game you play with all your heart and soul.
I love the world cup because Everybody gets into it. People who don't know shit about soccer and normally call it boring give it a chance and embrace the soccer community. Its beautiful to watch. Sure its a tad annoying that people claim to be soccer fans for 1 month every 4 years but the atmosphere is worth it because basically they admit it
I hate TFC because Douchebag sheeple in Toronto. Ok here's the thing. In Toronto we are always searching to be the hip European sort of city, all cultured and shit. We also want to be know as a "big team" city so we don't support The Toronto Marlies or the Mississauga Ice Dogs because its not Pro hockey. We don't support Inter-county baseball because its not pro baseball. We only support pro teams. But we support TFC because were all fucking idiots and we actually think TFC is a pro soccer team and MLS is a pro soccer league. It's not. Its amateur, but its insulting to amateur because amateur players make up for kill through effort, but MLS doesn't really do that. But we support it because it supports our fucking delusion that its a "major league" (its not) which plays "major league soccer" (it doesn't). Its rank amateurish soccer that we root and cheer for even though we claim were to big for amateur sports.
I love the world cup because Rivalries... Its one of the big reasons I love college football the rivalries are just so much fun. I can't wait to see USA vs England and if you could see Brasil vs Argentina or Spain vs Portugal its just fun, its exciting...
All in all I love world cup time. Its the beautiful summer for the beautiful game. Find a patio, get some friends together have a couple pints and enjoy the month!
One Love...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
People that I hate
Sorry yet again I have not updated my blog. I have the time it's just not a habit right now.
So I figured I would list a bunch of people that I just can't stand and why:
Tim Tebow That fucking annoying bible thumping prick has gotten more attention for doing nothing then anybody else. He's never going to make it in the NFL but his jersey sales lead the league. Also, he's fighting with my mancrush (Brady Quinn) for starting QB on the team so I hope he gets owned and fades off to do holy water infomercials
Sarah Jessica Parker And yes it is totally because of sex and the city. But its got nothing to do with any qualms about womens sexual revolution, its about how people who look like horses don't have the right to be picky about their mate or their performance. Why yes I didn't give you enough foreplay, but the fact is you look like a horse and you don't see me bringing that up
Jimmy Fallon I don't care if I spent your name wrong, the fact is you only leave SNL when you are actually GOOD. You sucked, giant monkey balls for your whole stint on SNL, fuckin breaking character and laughing through entire skits, and you were never funny. So you parlay no talent and an unfunny SNL career into a bunch of just scary awful movies... Just note
Just look... Look at the cover photo of Taxi and tell me that's not the worst movie you've ever seen. Tell me... Look at him! To b honest I've actually seen it (On a plane. I did not.. repeat DID NOT pay to watch that piece of shit). I can't fall asleep on a plame. but that movie was so horrible, so unbelievably not funny I fell asleep.. twice...
And how do you parlay this potpourri of poorly done SNL skits and shoddy movies. You get a late night show! Possibly the most awkward hour of zero laughs you can see on tv. Try to watch an entire episode, I dare you! I tried. Couldn't make it to the end of the monologue.
If you're thinking "Hey he's the only person who feels this way" Google "Jimmy Fallon is" and see the most looked up questions
Mark Sanchez Ok he's got the trifecta of annoying. 1) He was the QB at USC, I hate USC and I especially hate QB's from USC as they all think they are celebrities and Gods and all that shit 2) He's a cocky fucking loudmouth who the media can't stop gushing over, even though he hasn't done anything to warrant anything 3) He does a Vanity Fair magazine shoot or some shit, starts dating the supermodel he was shooting with, and made himself a papparzzi followee without ever taking a snap. Fuck you, you douchebag!
Me Who do I think I am, sitting in a corner of anonimity bashing a bunch of people I don't know because I probably hate my life and hate that I'm not the people I profess to hate. Also I'm constantly negative, always agitated and hold this nice sence of superiority over "sheeple" because they spend $500 on an IPAD... Fucking idiots spending $500 on a piece of shit that doesn't do anything my cell phone can't do.. See there I go again!
One love...
So I figured I would list a bunch of people that I just can't stand and why:
Tim Tebow That fucking annoying bible thumping prick has gotten more attention for doing nothing then anybody else. He's never going to make it in the NFL but his jersey sales lead the league. Also, he's fighting with my mancrush (Brady Quinn) for starting QB on the team so I hope he gets owned and fades off to do holy water infomercials
Sarah Jessica Parker And yes it is totally because of sex and the city. But its got nothing to do with any qualms about womens sexual revolution, its about how people who look like horses don't have the right to be picky about their mate or their performance. Why yes I didn't give you enough foreplay, but the fact is you look like a horse and you don't see me bringing that up
Jimmy Fallon I don't care if I spent your name wrong, the fact is you only leave SNL when you are actually GOOD. You sucked, giant monkey balls for your whole stint on SNL, fuckin breaking character and laughing through entire skits, and you were never funny. So you parlay no talent and an unfunny SNL career into a bunch of just scary awful movies... Just note

Just look... Look at the cover photo of Taxi and tell me that's not the worst movie you've ever seen. Tell me... Look at him! To b honest I've actually seen it (On a plane. I did not.. repeat DID NOT pay to watch that piece of shit). I can't fall asleep on a plame. but that movie was so horrible, so unbelievably not funny I fell asleep.. twice...
And how do you parlay this potpourri of poorly done SNL skits and shoddy movies. You get a late night show! Possibly the most awkward hour of zero laughs you can see on tv. Try to watch an entire episode, I dare you! I tried. Couldn't make it to the end of the monologue.
If you're thinking "Hey he's the only person who feels this way" Google "Jimmy Fallon is" and see the most looked up questions
Mark Sanchez Ok he's got the trifecta of annoying. 1) He was the QB at USC, I hate USC and I especially hate QB's from USC as they all think they are celebrities and Gods and all that shit 2) He's a cocky fucking loudmouth who the media can't stop gushing over, even though he hasn't done anything to warrant anything 3) He does a Vanity Fair magazine shoot or some shit, starts dating the supermodel he was shooting with, and made himself a papparzzi followee without ever taking a snap. Fuck you, you douchebag!
Me Who do I think I am, sitting in a corner of anonimity bashing a bunch of people I don't know because I probably hate my life and hate that I'm not the people I profess to hate. Also I'm constantly negative, always agitated and hold this nice sence of superiority over "sheeple" because they spend $500 on an IPAD... Fucking idiots spending $500 on a piece of shit that doesn't do anything my cell phone can't do.. See there I go again!
One love...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Ok so it's been 5 months, again since I've posted, but there's a reason and a trend for this. My busiest season is from November until about the end of may. So during the summer I'm not sitting on any deadlines and I have free time at work and not at work so I start thinking which gets be blogging
But during the winter I'm working 13 fucking hours a day plus weekends and I don't have the energy to keep this going
So now that its summer again I'm back with more posts, again probably just venting and complaining about my life and now nothing is ever simple even though that's exactly what I am... Simple..
So what's been happening with me?
- My summer was awful, worst summer of my life. I slowly had my heart crushed by the girl who was my whole life. It left me feeling like Kid Cudi in day and night. Just toss and turn and no sleep. BUT I found an amazing girl part way through though the summer and we connected on the nerdiest level in the world. It was soo chill.
- So in August when I was mentally done with this girl, I went to Australia, single and looking to have so much fun I would forget my problems. and FUCK I did. Man what an amazing country Australia is. Between chillin on the beach in Brisbane, to being a college kid again and going to keggers and playing beer pong. and I'll never ever forget Julie, Yiemi, and my favourite - Becca, the beautiful girl from Marquette
- So in September this girl tells me that things are going to be better... That didn't happen and I was back to being confused and miserable...
- It ended in January and I went on a rampage of drinking, partying, meeting new girls having fun and just being care free
- and then in March she came back into my life, but its different, I'm different, and there's no way anybody is bringing me down again
I'm a new person now, or so I've convinced myself... I'm in my own place, I'm eating healthy, I'm active, I'm social.... I'm chill, just chill
and this looks like it might be the 2nd best summer of my life... Nothing will ever compare to Queens summer... but that's another blog for another day... Oh wait I blogged that summer lol
But during the winter I'm working 13 fucking hours a day plus weekends and I don't have the energy to keep this going
So now that its summer again I'm back with more posts, again probably just venting and complaining about my life and now nothing is ever simple even though that's exactly what I am... Simple..
So what's been happening with me?
- My summer was awful, worst summer of my life. I slowly had my heart crushed by the girl who was my whole life. It left me feeling like Kid Cudi in day and night. Just toss and turn and no sleep. BUT I found an amazing girl part way through though the summer and we connected on the nerdiest level in the world. It was soo chill.
- So in August when I was mentally done with this girl, I went to Australia, single and looking to have so much fun I would forget my problems. and FUCK I did. Man what an amazing country Australia is. Between chillin on the beach in Brisbane, to being a college kid again and going to keggers and playing beer pong. and I'll never ever forget Julie, Yiemi, and my favourite - Becca, the beautiful girl from Marquette
- So in September this girl tells me that things are going to be better... That didn't happen and I was back to being confused and miserable...
- It ended in January and I went on a rampage of drinking, partying, meeting new girls having fun and just being care free
- and then in March she came back into my life, but its different, I'm different, and there's no way anybody is bringing me down again
I'm a new person now, or so I've convinced myself... I'm in my own place, I'm eating healthy, I'm active, I'm social.... I'm chill, just chill
and this looks like it might be the 2nd best summer of my life... Nothing will ever compare to Queens summer... but that's another blog for another day... Oh wait I blogged that summer lol
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