Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My perfect summer

2 Summers ago I had the greated summer I would ever have. No summer in my life will ever top this summer. I will break down a hypothetical week after I explain who, where, and why

Where Kingston, On. Kingston was the perfecet location. Queens campus is beautiful, it was sunny all the time; our house was a 8 bedroom house with 3 of them actually being used. I had a gym membership at Queens and the gym was empty. There are tons of hills to longboard down, downtown was so close to my house and the outskirts of the city were historical


Dave - Dave was always my good friend, but we hung out all the time together in Kingston. We always have one person in our group who ruins a fun experience. With just me and him nobody brings drama, nobody is annoying

Baumer - The party/class clown all summer. First one to get drunk, always made stupid decisions, always regretted them the next morning when we went for coffee

Della - Della is to Baumer what I am to Dave. Just the chill friend who doesn't cause drama

Kathleen - My beautiful girlfriend/ summer romance or whatever you want to call it. She was smart, beautiful, insane amounts of fun, made me think of the world a little bit differently, and constantly challenged me, which is EXACTLY what I need.

Why - I was there to take extra courses to get me ready for my exams. As it turns out I was there to party my ass off before I started working full-time

- Tuesday nights were $2 tall boys of old Milwaukee. Now that beer is literally pee from Milwaukee people but its 2 bucks! We drank like crazy there, got silly drunk and danced all night. One time we took a shot at the bar, and Dave literally vomited on the bar 1 second after he took the shot.

- After a hard night of drinking I would get up at like 11pm hung the fuck over, stumble into Dave's room and be like "Daave I'm gonna go get Wendys do you want anything" to which dave would stick his head out of bed and smile and be like "Spicy chicken sandwich" and I'd go grab his lunch and mine, stumble on my chair and watch arrested development eating delicious Wendys. Yummm now I'm hungry

- We'd probably go golfing in the afternoon, chilling under the beautiful sun with no responsibilities and not a care in the world. I still remember those days, sun is shining on my face, I'm in the middle of the green on a Wednesday afternoon with my 2-3 good friends, who cares if this shot sucks my life is awesome!

- Wednesday nights were beach slam!!!! Beach slam was fucking awesome it was a themed party at Stages, and was always full of mischef. Cheap drinks, "banana" eating contests, 30 seconds in the closet game. I met so many hilarious people, made a fool out of my self often and always had a great laugh the next day. Sometimes after I would meet Kathleen at her place (she would be out with her friends at another bar). I remember waking up next to her, hung over but with a smile. I had the most beautiful girl in the world sleeping next to me. Shes amazing, she looks so good and I have her!

- Dates with Kathleen were just awesome. Our first date we went to a restaurant, chatted, grabbed some dinner and then ice cream. We walked along the waterfront eating ice cream her telling me about the history of Kingston. We stopped at the edge of the dock, under the moonlight with our feet in the water and stared at the stars. I kissed her right there under the moonlight. It was an electric kiss. I was happy to get many many more from her throughout the summer.

- Friday nights at Elixer was awesome! Cheap drinks, huge dance floor, big outdoor patio. We partied every night there until the bar closed at 2. Then we would go to Pizza pizza and stuff our faces, head home and watch TV while scarfing pizza

- Softball nights. We had a softball team and everytime there was a game Kathleen and I would come up with excuses on why we couldn't go and met up. It was our weekly tradition

- Watching Baumer make horrible mistakes night in night out is hilarious. Watching him pick up some of the ugliest chicks you have ever seen, then text us the next morning being like OH MY GOD, why did you let me do this?! He used to drop his pants and dance in his boxers on the dance floor. He has his dance move called the "jail cell" dude was hilarious

To recap - Drinking, golf, eating great food, hilarious conversation, beautiful inspiring girlfriend

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