Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why do my titles disppear?

I have 2 topics I want to discuss

1) my perfect date
2) My undying hatred of unions within governments and municipalities

As much as I like ranting and raving, I also like being nostalgic and letting my hopeless romantic flag fly. But considering the Toronto strike has (almost)
ended I figured I would talk about item 2

If you want an idea of what the strike is about, the coles notes version is that other municipal unions (Police, firefighters… people who actually do work) received modest pay increases, while Local 416 and 79 (garbage men, babysitters… people who do bullshit work) are being told they need to make concessions given the new economic circumstances.

The big political issue – Banked sick days. The unions employees want to be able to bank up to 18 unused sick days per year up to 6 months and get that money as a lump sum when they retire.

Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?

Ok the first part is who gets 18 sick days a year? 365 days a year *5/7 work days = 260 work days per year.

Less about 8 days of stat holidays
Less maybe 15 days vacation

You are talking about 237 serious working days. 18/237 = 8%. So you expect to spend 8% of your working life sick? Really? Do you have NO white blood cells at all?!?! Does an immune system NOT exist in your body? Anyways the point isn’t the 8% but that’s really really fucking dumb

The point is sick days are given to you not as vacation but as you are seriously ill and we don’t want you to go through the torture of having to work sick (If I had a dollar for every fucking day I worked sick because I had a deadline to meet…) So that fact that you think they should be treated like you’re vacation days is just stupid. Nobody else gets to keep their sick days in perpetuity then get money for not using them so why should you? Also, consider the fact that many baby boomers will be retiring at the same time, and you want the municipalities (IE. the tax payers (IE ME)) to hand you a fat fucking cheque for 6 months pay because you were sick less then 8% of your working time?!?! The liability is estimated at $250m for the city. Like $250m for NO services provided, just a fat fucking retirement check for your fat fucking ass

Now on to the union itself…

1) You’re a government union. Therefore you do nothing and expect to be well compensated for it. You work your CBA negotiated hours, and nothing more, often less. You are a drain on society, you are a drain on my tax dollars, you are GROSSLY overpaid 95% of the time and you do shit all 85% of the time. I hate you, because I actually have to work hard (In my busy season – Oct to April I worked 55 hours a week… 11 hours a day) and you “work” 9-4 and get paid more then I do

2) Local 416 is made of paramedics, social housing workers, water and wastewater specialists, librarians and other library workers, gardeners, labourers, animal control officers, parking lot attendants. Look through that list, and tell me you couldn’t do any of their jobs RIGHT NOW. Ok maybe the water specialists, but reading those dials would take mayyybe a weeks worth of training. My point is I think we could actually survive in the city without your “essential” services (Except ambulance services). Listen. A fucking monkey can do what you do! You think you deserve $30 an hour to water a fucking garden and put away a library book?!?1 Are you serious?!?1 and I have to pay you $30/hour to do this?

3) Ok you want to strike and sit on your ass and be useless, then fine, whatever. But the fact that you setup picket lines along garbage drop off zones is just the most annoying point of all. I mean we are doing your job, IN OUR SPARE FUCKING TIME, which highlights how fucking easy your job is. But you can’t have that. You can’t have us proving that a fucking monkey can do your job because then nobody would notice you are on strike, further proving how useless you are and you would get your fat pay cheques you don’t deserve, or those bank sick day bonuses you don’t earn.

The fact of the matter is You do no work… You get great pay… I pay higher taxes.. To subsidize your “do no work” attitude…

So I say… Fuck you and the horse you ride in on. I hope the city absolutely crushes you and you get knocked down to the pay scale you deserve. Or we could hire some monkeys to do your job. We could pay them in bananas…

One Love

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