Monday, June 29, 2009

My dream last night

Brace yourself… this ones going to be a long one…

I’m at an NHL hockey game with like my mom, my aunt right near the front row. We are watching the game and enjoying our time. No drinking or anything. The arena is medium sized and I don’t remember who is playing but The Flyers come to mind.

Then, part way through the game, and without warning, it turns into a kiss concert. Must have been intermission or something but the concert was really good and I enjoyed it. Then the game went on again, and there was another random intermission where they played a 70’s hockey game. This all made sense to me in the dream though, which is usual.

Now here’s where it gets weird; my mom and aunt leave to get some drinks. Without notice the most beautiful girl in the world is beside me. She’s just a knockout, like exactly the kind of girl that I like. She’s tall with black hair, deep green eyes, slight tan (like me!) sexiest smile, pouty lips. She’s wearing a grey spaghetti strap top that’s a little tight, and a mid leg blue skirt that shows off her absolutely incredible legs.

For some reason I feel like I know her, and she had poise, confidence, a slight flirty edge but she seemed very down to earth and most certainly not slutty. I was totally into her and she asked me how the games been. For some reason I start talking about how the concert was amazing and the games been tons of fun, and we’re really hitting it off.

Then one of the hockey players skates up and starts talking to me. I don’t remember about what but I felt nervous and timid. He starts then talking to her, and he starts flirting with her, all while I’m watching. Then she moves beside me and starts walking up the steps, and her skirt becomes very very short, and she turns from this down to earth girl to an absolute slut. Then, the next thing I know she’s on all fours on one of the bleacher benches skirt half up. There is also another girl who is in the same position, but I don’t know the other girl. The hockey player starts fucking the other girl (the one I didn’t know) while the girl I know with is sitting there almost waiting for her turn.

I’m just sitting there feeling like an absolute idiot… The End.

What does that mean??!?!?! Honestly?!?!

Ok so here’s my dream interpretations, brought to you by

Hockey – Ok so there is no generic term for hockey, but I already know this one. Hockey represents an awkwardness and a lack of comfort for me. Hockey was always my gift and my curse. When I was a kid I played very competitive hockey (some friends are in the NHL right now) but it wasn’t fun because the pressure was just too much, and I just wasn’t good enough, and I was too timid and awkward as a kid to really fit in the dressing room. Hockey represents a setting in which I’m not comfortable with

Aunt – “To see your aunt in your dream, represents family characteristics and values. It is a connection to your own heritage.” Considering my family’s religiousness and their “For the record” opinions on sex (wooo go being born before your parents even planned their wedding, wooo hyprocracy!) that makes sense. As soon as they left that this girl showed up and they weren’t there for the actual threesome. My aunt represents the religious attitudes I was taught about sex, and her walking away represents my own breaking away from these teachings. Which is funny because I never thought I took them seriously in the first place

Mother – “To see your mother in your dream, represents the nurturing aspect of your own character. Mothers offer shelter, comfort, life, guidance and protection.” This is confusing because hockey represented a lack of all of these things. So why would I see comfort and lack of comfort at the same time. Maybe because my mom was front and center of my religious teachings about sex. No no no no… Because I see sex and my own performance as almost a sport (see hockey) and because that brings about feelings of lack of comfort (see hockey) my mom represents the comfort of not having sex because I don’t have to meet my own performance goals. Which is why after she left, that girl showed up because she IS SEX.

The girl - She is sex. Plain and simple, see colours.

Flirting – “To dream that you are flirting or that someone is flirting with you, represents your need for intimacy and affection. You may be about to enter into a serious commitment or relationship in the near future.” Really? I need affection, no fucking way!

Arena – An arena represents an area of conflict in your life. Again I never really thought that sex was a conflict, but given my upbringing yea that makes sense. And hockey is the perfect representation because it’s so taboo to me, just like sex to me. It’s just something I don’t discuss with others. But it also represents competition, which is my innate view of sex as a performance measure.

The Sex - To dream of helplessly watching a mate have sex or making out with someone else is your inner expression of feelings of sexual inadequacy or insecurity with the romanitic involvement with your mate. I think that’s partially right. I don’t have a mate, nor do I ever try to get romantically involved with anyone. But the fact that my performance is competitive to me maybe I’m feeling that constant improvement is required because I’m so competitive. It could also mean that I’m not being brave enough to take a chance with someone new, which also created insecurity. Hmm that ones a tough one…

Colours analysis. Thanks

Blue - Negative philosophy of life. e.g. superstition or fearful form of religion. Yes YES YES! That’s exactly it. She was wearing a blue skirt. A blue fucking skirt represents my own childhood fears enforced on me that sex is bad mmkay. And because she was wearing it and I wanted to do awful (sexy!) things to her skirt colour is religions negative philosophy, which covers her, but gets pulled up (super sexy!) and removed.

Grey - Meaning: Uncommitted, uncertain - ‘grey area’. Mental denial of emotion, depression. Again my rigid religious values on sexuality fighting with my own desires gives me an uncertain grey area. Maybe that’s why we didn’t have sex. Because she wasn’t really a woman she was my inner conflict on sexuality and you can’t fight a conflict.

Ok so sum it up. My interpretation of the dream is that it’s a triangle in a setting I’m not comfortable with (hockey arena). It’s my own conflict with my upbringing/ religion which taught me sex was bad (aunt symbols), plus the girl and her clothes (colours, and her relationship with me). It’s also my conflict with my competitive nature seeing sex as a sport (hockey and arena symbols) and the inherent insecurity problems that come with that (watching the guy fuck that girl), and the comfort level I achieve when I don’t have sex (mom) and don’t have to deal with the competitive pressures. Lastly it symbolizes my desire to be assertive, take chances, because if I guarantee if I would have tried to kiss that girl she would have let me, but I didn’t.
There is one thing that I don’t understand. Why did the guy fuck the other girl and not my girl. I woke up before he did anything to her… Maybe the fact that he didn’t have sex with her tells me that she was waiting for me? Maybe its saying that she’s right there so take her; don’t over think, don’t listen to your childhood scare tactics, just take her…

Executive summary
Sex causes conflicts for me due to religion, and my competitive nature. To overcome this I need to drop any semblance of religious entanglement, and not worry about beating my performance goals, take chances and just fucking go for it!

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