Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So... like 7 months later

Ok so I totally forgot about this blog thing and I kinda went like 7 months without updating it. I got a tip (from someone who is fast emerging as a really good friend) that I should update my blog. She says its very therapeutic, but only time will tell

So whats happened to me?

Well, I went to Calgary in October and had an absolutely amazing time. Absolute time of my life while I was in the city. Unfortunately, I had issues back home. Someone I cared about decided to pull together a string of lies plus a whole load of bullshit and left me feeling just miserable for 2 months of my stay in Calgary. It sucks because when I just didn't think about her I was so happy; and I should have stopped thinking of her altogether and enjoyed my time there, but whatever lesson learned

What also really really didn't help was that they sent me to Fort McMurray. I swear as God is my witness that is the biggest fucking piece of shit of a town I have ever seen. I've never seen a more expensive landfill site with a bigger population of fucktards in my entire life. I will blog a whole post one day on how fort mac is the worst town in existence

Anyways my ex is there. and all those emotions came back, but with the realization that things had changed so much that whatever we felt for each other was meaningless, which hurt... ALOT...

Ok ok enough negativity...

Reasons why Calgary was awesome
- I learned to snowboard, and I got pretty good. Like black diamond good. I loved getting up at 8am on saturday with my best buddy. We were hung over driving out to the mountains, and boarding from 10-4 ripping around, cracking jokes, eating snow falling on our asses. End of day hop back in the car and drive home tired as hell, grab a couple beers, watch Scrubs and pass out...

- The women there are beautiful, fun loving and absolutely chill. Some nights at the bars dancing with some of the most beautiful women, just feeling lucky that a girl this gorgeous is dancing with me

- I made an absolute chill friend out there. Her name is Ginny and unfortunately I met her very late in my Calgary stay. She was absolute sunshine, just bubbling with smiles, and positivity. Any time I saw her I was just happy to be with her. I would wake up extra early to grab coffee with her before work because it would just make my day soo much better. I wish I could find a friend like that here, it would make my life

- Work was very interesting, required hard work but had great payoff

- City living is amazing

Ok ok this has gotten a little long for a first post... I will update on what I have been up to since Calgary next time

I guess

One Love

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