Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekend Update (2)

Wow, I am absolutely exhausted...What a crazy weekend. I don't want my blogs to be all about what I do on weekends, but its the only time I can talk about something interesting. I mean any blogs not updating my life are just rants really...


Friday was a horribly boring day at work. I should have just skipped the day and hung out at home. After work, I ended up at Boston Pizza to meet with friends for beer, and to watch game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals. Detroit vs Pittsburgh. The wings lost and I got absolutely ripped on by my friends. Fucking sore winners can't you just shut up and let it go? We also talked about going to a College football game, maybe Ohio State vs USC (turns out that tickets costs $350 each, FUCK!).

Anyways we go out to a patio bar for the night after. I start getting wasted and get into the confident/ borderline cocky stage that (I used to call him Damien... Yes its borderline schizophrenic fuck off). I end up meeting this girl named Michelle and her friend, Cindy or some shit. We end up getting into a really good conversation. And in total Damien fashion she says she has a bf, but slips me her number anyways! I also talked to her friend and I don't think I was acting needy but she tells me about how good looking I am, and I'm great to talk to and how I'm going be great and find a great girl and be chill in my life

So after that craziness I get a ride home... and I'm wasted... I try to use the number code to open my garage. It doesn't work and I get furiously mad and start punching it and trying to rip it out of its place. Well all that anger and motion made me very very sick... and I couldn't get in the house... so there I was 2:30 am puking on my lawn in darkness, laying there for like 15 minutes, too sick to move.. God I'm awesome... my dad has to let me in laughing his ass off at me... Awesome Friday


Hung over as hell, slept through most of the day. I ended up sleeping off most of the day feeling like ass. When I felt better I went for a jog, and felt sick again. I ended up sobering up for dinner, and I went out for Indian food with the family on Saturday. Chilled hung over (saw Nids but whatever)


Forced to get up for church.. NOT in a good mood, then my mom just did it... After church we saw one my moms stupid church friends and we had one of the worst conversations ever

Mom: You know Daniel, my friends daughter is very pretty, I think she would compliment you very well, you should meet her

Me: Are trying to set me up on a date?

Mom: Maybe...

Me: Does she like clean and mop and stuff?

Mom: ummm Probably why?

Me: Because I'll need her to mop up the blood after I shoot myself in the face because my mother sets me up on a date with her church groups friends daughter! Like are you serious? Am I so pathetic to you that YOU need to set me up on blind dates?!?! Like really?!?! I don't need your help, I honestly honestly don't trust me on this

Mom: But she would be good for you...

Me: Because she can mop up blood?

Mom: Fiiine forget it

Anyways that was awkward... and yes I made 2 suicide references to my mom, but that's just my attitude and my humor...

I ended up going to Wonderland for the day with 2 friends. We helped this lady boost her car, which was hilarious.

We rode tons of rides (top gun, indiana jones, behemoth, some italian job shit, minebuster) went to the water park (oh my god the bikinis! Fuck time to jog EVERYDAY and get into damn shape), checked out girls, ate funnel cakes, and bounced...

Anyways, weekend full of inner thoughts, varying emotions and a shit load of fun...

But I still can't believe my mother tried to do that... I'm going to rip on her for a looong time for that one

One Love - Time to find a new one...

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