Thursday, June 11, 2009

What to say...what to say

I honestly have no clue what to talk about already, and its been like 2 posts in. Oh well, hmm maybe I'll talk about what I wanna do in my future. Because I have no clue what I actually want to do. I guess I should just lay out my dreams and the issues with them

- Work in Automotive industry This dream was one of my first when I decided I wanted to be an accountant. This dream was pretty damn naive. I thought I would just be an accountant/ controller operations guru because I "know' about accounting and I "know" so much about cars. My thought was I would do the accounting, as well as decision making in accounting policy and financial reporting (*SNORE*). I would also make decisions on which cars to produce, and parts costing accounting and negotiation

Why it won't work There's no job in which you do journal entries, then make decisions on what parts to buy and how to cost cars. Its just not a position that exists. Also, as the world knows the automotive industry is absolute shit right now, and in North America they are not hiring new people, and nobody is sure they ever will again. I would peg this at 5%

-Move to NYC work in Manhattan This was a stupid fucking dream I had with someone where I was working, and she was in med school or some dumb shit and we would be together. Fuck, you thought the first dream was naive, this one was straight out of a Disney movie

Why it won't work Hmmm let me count the ways. 1) Her and I don't speak anymore 2) She was never going to school in NYC 3) I can't get a transfer to NYC 4) Love is a Disney movie, it doesn't exist its a huge load of bullshit. Just find someone who doesn't make you want to jump off a skyscraper every day and stick to her (no thats not emo its just love gets replaced by complaicency after 30 years of telling the same boring ass stories over and over again). But on the optimist side my NYC dream was always about me, and never about her. I found a position at my company in NYC and am looking into it. I would still put it at a 15% chance of happening

Work in Aviation industry This dream came out of my family as I had 2 uncles who worked as mechanics for various airlines, and I thought it would be fitting to be a corporate accountant at a big airline, a sort of moving up for my family. Also, as you can tell I'm just a big kid with tonka trucks and planes, trains and automobiles always fascinate me. I thought I could also do cost projection analysis on fuel, travelling, leases all that jazz

Why it won't work Just because I had 2 relatives who fixed planes doesn't mean I should make it my career. Also the aviation industry is almost always down and doesn't usually look to hire people very often. lastly, I would probably have to work in Canada and Air Canada means I have to know french, Westjet is out in Alberta and I would shoot myself if I worked for Porter Airlines. Thats at a 2% chance

Stay in Toronto work anywhere This was the last thing I thought I would be doing because I had such grand plans. But if all else fails; and all else is failing, this is my option

Why it won't work I'm a nomad. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in Toronto at the age of 23. but its probably a 50% chance I will. *tear*

Move somewhere.. ANYWHERE cool and work there This is probably what's going to happen. I will get offered something somewhere for a year or 2, I'll go do that then come home and either do 1 more or live in Toronto forever. thats at a solid 35%

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