Sunday, September 27, 2009

So I was going to talk about my future... or lack thereof... but I had 2 really weird dreams. So I decided it was time to do another round of dream therapy

Dream 1

Honestly I don't know if I can interpret these dreams because there's more that happened but I don't remember what it is, but I remember that more happened

I remembering being in a big city at night on a street corner with some friends. There's an office building (or at least I got the feeling there was) behind me, and a long road ahead of me. I think the road is a downhill (actually it looked fun to drive) but I never actually take it. so we are talking about... something... was like poker or trading or something. I was holding a brown bag with beer and chips but nobody was drinking. So a car is driving by and it plays this Blink 182 song - Dumpweed. We all air guitar and sing along as it drives away. Then we walk into a tent where people are playing poker and everyone keeps asking me about Tyler (Tyler was this huge jacked dude I went to school with. a buddy and a crazy ladies man)... Then I'm talking to this girl who I'm going to sleep with and she asks me about Tyler. So I tell her then we are about to go for a walk when I wake up...

What does this all mean? nooo idea I guess I should start with the symbols

City - To see a city in your dream, signifies a sense of community and your social environment. If you dream of a big city, then it suggests that you need to develop closer ties and relationships. I don't know if the city was big but I think it was Sydney so I would consider that big. This also makes sense considering I was stood up for a movie + BJ's Sat night and there was a party on last night that I decided not to go to... Maybe I was being scolded by my mind for not being social...

Office building - If the office in your dream is unfamiliar or strange, then it suggest that you are constantly comparing yourself to others. Yes I can see that. I'm very competitive and I do compare myself to other people, but that's what makes me ME...

Night and Tent - To have a dream that takes place at night, represents some major setbacks and obstacles in achieving your goals. There are some issues in your life that you are facing, but are not too clear. Hmmmm I am facing issues on where I want to live, do I still want to go to NYC. There are major obstacles like the economy and my wanting to buy a house. Or maybe NYC is actually an obstacle to me buying a house... shoot this is getting confusing... ok ok more symbols

Alcohol - To dream that you are enjoying alcohol in moderation, denotes contentment and satisfaction in the decisions that you have made. Success is within your grasp Wait, what the fuck? So I'm having setbacks in achieving my goals but success is within my grasp? Fuck I am satisfied with my decisions... hmmm maybe this is making sense after all

Hmmmm ok so what I think my dream is telling me is to be happy with the decisions I've made so far because its leading me down the right path (Alcohol) but at the same time my future goals have roadblocks already in the way (Night & tent). At the same time, one of my roadblocks must be... Wait I think I have it... ONE of my roadblocks to going to NYC must be that I haven't developed a closeness with enough people in Toronto so that when I do come back I will have something to come back to. and I believe this because I'm comparing myself to other people. Sometimes I compare my friend count on facebook to my friends (shut up I'm fucking lame ok leave me alone) and wonder how or why my friends have other circles that they are a part of. But what my dream is telling me is my friends will always be there no matter where I go, so I shouldn't be worried about that. I also should stop comparing my friend amounts...

Wow... fucking insightful, even if I did pull that out of my ass... Did I ever tell you I'm a genius??

Oh I forgot... I don't remember dream 2 anymore... awesome-o

One Love

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Blogging is weird... I don't have anything to say but I feel compelled to post anyways because well... whats the point of having a site if you don't post anything

Maybe tomorrow while I'm watching football I'll weigh my options as to what I want to do with my life...

yea tomorrow

One Love

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

You know who's annoying? Ex-girlfriends... You know who's even more annoying then that? Ex-girlfriends who want to get back together with you and you try to shoot them down without hurting their feelings and they decide to post fucking annoying quotes clearly about you on their fucking facebook... such as:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

"you are my sweetest downfall"

"we cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand"

"the brick walls are there for a reason. they're not there to keep us out. the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something....."

Ohhhhhh that's right that's why I dumped you! because you take something private like leaving your fucking boyfriend for me into a giant public spectacle so everyone in facebook world can see it!!! That's why I did it because you're a fucking drama Queen who really REALLY needs to draw attention to herself! Thanks for the reminder!

Also... This annoying client keeps their copier right behind me so I have to hide this and facebook everytime somebody prints, which is every 14 seconds!

One Love

Stratch that... 2 loves...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Ikea phenomanon

We have a law or idea we call the law of Kerr. This is based on my friend Randy Kerr. Randy's dad owns a huge company. Randy gets the company on the day he gets a general business diploma. Millions of dollars is his as long as he passes basic business classes. But he's so fucking dumb he can't get even get through basic business school. He's just useless says the dumbest things, Makes the worst decisions and generally makes your head hurt.

The law is this dumbass is of average intelligence in the world. Its not a testament to his smarts, but a testament to how stupid the world is

Stupid people piss me off. Its complicated and definitely for another post. But I've come to realize that these people congregate somewhere; your local Ikea!! Oh also I call these people the Tards

I had to go to Ikea yesterday to pick up 1 item. Here are my thoughts as I went in

- There's a line up of people dropping their kids off in the play area. The Tards talk about how great it is to have a play area for the kids, and I say good for Ikea for the idea. But the point is kids distract the Tards from the bright lights and shiny things Ikea throws at you to make your simple monkey brains go crazy with excitement at all the nice things you can buy that you don't need. Its simple: kids make you more reluctant to buy things because they bring down your mood. So throw the kids in a slave pen for a couple hours and you can browse all the shiny pieces of shit that Ikea throws at you for your impulse buying pleasure

- Have you ever seen a farm with the cows being led on a convener to the slaughter? Well Ikea has, and they modeled their floor based on that concept. You can't just GO to linens and buy some damn sheets. You need to walk through every fucking department at the store to get whatever you want, which subjects you to more bright lights and shiny things causing more impulse buying. That store leads us around like cattle through the slaughter house. Ohhh that looks nice, ohhh and that I love shopping at ikea I'm a Tard bright lights! shiny thing! ooohh ahhhhh *scratches armpit*

- When I go to a store I know exactly what I want to buy. Ikea is not made for me. The store is not made for people who research and plan their purchases. As I walked through the overly crowded group of Tards I noticed nobody actually knows what they were looking for. The were just looking aimlessly at everything. That tells me they don't actually need anything at Ikea. This might bug me the most. I keep a detailed spending budget. I track all my spending with Quicken and compare my budget to actual every month to see what I need to cut back on. Therefore, impulse buying a bedroom will never happen with me because it will kill my budget. I work out the money so I can afford it. Then I carefully plan what I want at home where I have no bright lights and shiny things, then I shop for price, then I go buy... See I'm not retarded, I know how to effectively spend my money. Everyone I see at the damn store clearly has not taken into consideration whether they really can afford it because they don't even know what they want. Hence impulse buying... hence retarded....

- The one I actually like is that Ikea has self serve check-out counters and NOBODY uses them!! I love that because, again I'm not retarded, and I know how to select English, put a pricing gun against a barcode, and click "credit card" under payment options. Difficult I know, but the Tards wait 20 minutes so that somebody can perform these "complicated" steps for them. God people are fucking dumb... like seriously!!!!

Its simple people go to Ikea without a plan, get flashed with lights, then buy a whole shitload of stuff they don't really need because it has funky Sweedish names and goofy pastel colours. Don't get me wrong Ikea can be a good buy. I've bought a love seat from Ikea and it's crazy comfortable. But I researched what I wanted for most comfort for the least price and analyzed my purchase carefully before going directly to the place and picking it up


One love

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Australian hits that still drive me crazy

Kings of Leon: Use Somebody – Sweet baby Jesus I hate this fucking song. I didn’t hate Kings of Leon before, and I would actually listen to Sex on fire. Then they played that song every hour on the hour. So in Australia they decided to play Use Somebody every 20 minutes on the radio. First off you sound like 3 doors down, so you’re gay. Second you’re all mopey and whiney without any real substance to your music. Third and this isn’t your fault, but radio stations overplay you and it drives me nuts. Fourth, retarded guys in popped collars and confidence issues air mic this song at every fucking bar on planet earth and all I want to do is punch them in the face, then go to Nashville and

Black Eyed Peas: I gotta feeling – I most certainly hate this song more and I also hate BEP just so so much. Remember when they had their first single ‘where is the love” and you thought this might be a group that actually tries to say something of meaning? Throw that out the door because they have churned out sappy pop song after sappy pop song. This one might be the worst. Again played in Australia on fucking repeat, this song doesn’t rhyme and literally is just some guy blurting our random sentences

Tonight’s the night
Let’s live it up
I got my money
Let’s spend it up
Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Let’s get get off
What in the entire “verse” rhymes? Why doesn’t this rhyme? How does this say ANYTHING of relevance? Throw in some digitally enhanced “tonights gonna be a gooood night” and you have what may be the worst song of the year that everyone loves.

Cobra Starship: Good girls go bad – This song is just so painfully awful. I mean how many times can you say “I make good girls go bad” in a song. Like that’s literally the beginning and end of the song. Good imagination on that shit you yutz! Also, you know what everybody likes to hear? When I guy says he makes good girls go bad. That doesn’t make you sound like the biggest tool on the face of the earth. You’re the guy that everyone watches make an ass out of himself with the gay popped collar and the really tight jeans. I hope you get hit by as bus, I honestly do.

Dizzee Rascal: Bonkers – Here are the lyrics. Literally these are the entire lyrics repeated either 2 or 3 times.

I wake up everyday it’s a daydream
Everythin’ in my life isn’t what it seems
I wake up just to go back to sleep
I act real shallow but I’m in to deep
And all I care about is sex and violence
And a heavy bass line is my kind of silence
Everybody says I got to get a grip
But I let sanity give me the slip
Some people think I’m bonkers
But I just think I’m free
Man I’m just living my life
There nothing crazy about me
Some people pay for thrills
but I get mine for free
Man I’m just living my life
There nothing crazy about me
[repeat] [repeat again] [repeat for a third time]

Akon: Sexy Chick – Again seriously every 30 minutes they would play this song. In the club you probably heard it 3-4 times in a night and every time drunken idiots would yell and scream like they had never heard this before. Before I even go into the lyrics first there’s 1 verse that I believe is 4 bars long. Other then that its “damn yous a sexy bitch” played over and over again. That’s fine in a trance/techno song, but for a song that claims to be hip-hop that just smacks of creativity. Akon you lazy fucking bitch with your digitally enhanced girly voice seriously fuck off!

Ok the one line that really bugs me about the song is this

She's nothing like a girl you've ever seen before
Nothing you can compare to your neighbourhood hoe
I'm tryna find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful

First off, in what universe does before and hoe rhyme? Because that’s what they are trying to do if you hear the song. Second, how are you trying to be respectful? You claim she’s not comparable to your neighbourhood hoe, so she’s the neighbourhood super-hoe? Mega-hoe? Either way it’s disrespectful. Oh and the lyrics after this line are kinda just a little disrespectful too

The way that booty movin I can't take no more
Have to stop what i'm doin so I can pull up close
I'm tryna find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful

Ok ok Akon I get it you can’t actually find the words to describe this girl, but you didn’t even try. But again, every fucking 30 minutes I had to hear this damn song and everybody loved it. Fuck it was sooooooo annoying I wanted to punch the radio

In conclusion, Australia may be awesome but they music tastes fucking blow. Now that’s not that different from the rest of the world. The difference though is that I’ve been in Toronto for 2 weeks and I’ve heard all of these songs maybe 4-5 times. But in Australia I would hear each of these songs maybe 3-4 times per day. And in Australia everyone would go crazy every time they heard any of these songs.

Also there’s actually one other song on constant repeat in Australia but I don’t remember what it is.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 1 back at work.. Kill me!

What to write, what to write…

Went to a funeral on Saturday… That sucked… Yea don’t feel like talking about that

Australia? Hmmm I guess, not much else to say. Like I have said before I really REALLY value my privacy. So 3 weeks of me not having a room to myself or time to myself left me flustered. I couldn’t wait to get home so I could play some x-box, listen to music and think my thoughts. As is the norm, because I value my privacy I also would rather what happened in Australia to remain in fucking Australia…

Cue my buddy Ted. He’s the guy I went to go visit there… It took him 6 days to tell somebody EVERYTHING that happened there. But this isn’t just somebody. He told the biggest gossip (lets call her Carla) in the fucking circus (that I call friends) everything that happened. Also, he didn’t tell me that he opened his fucking mouth about it. So what happens? I walk into a mine field of fucking questions and accusations. Fucking putz!

And the worst part of it all. Carla dated the guy that I went to Australia with. So when Ted tells her everything he knows actually went on, her imagination goes wild as to what else went on that he didn’t know about.

So now I have to deal with her and her “Australia sex orgy” fantasies that she has concocted in her mind. But I feel for my buddy Carla’s ex-bf Chris who has to incur all of her wrath. Poor guy…

Other then that, work’s starting again, but I’m doing nothing right now. Football season’s starting!!!!!!! Next couple of weeks has some really good things on the horizon!

One Love

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Laaazy week

So I know I said I was going to post every day this week. But when you go 3 weeks without thinking of blogging, its hard to remember to blog every day. Especially when you don't have much to talk about.

Australia... Australia built me and killed me in so many ways:


Built - I was able to go party all the time, be social, drink and go out probably 4/5 nights, which is a departure for me. Working as hard as I do and living in suburbia, getting out 2 nights a week is an absolute stretch. So being able to go drinking that much and not worry about work, my career, money, my fucking dream condo was nice

Killed - No privacy. That's the thing with crashing at a buddies place. You're living on a mattress in a living room for 3 weeks. I like to be alone, I value my privacy. 3 weeks with no privacy left me rattled, uncertain, and slightly depressed.

My Confidence:

Built - I had 7 or 8 different women tell me how good I looked. I got enough of those "looks".. the I wanna eat you up look with her hand running up and down my chest. I slept with an Australian girl. Fuckin magic... and I came to the conclusion that I LOVE American girls... They are fucking magic. I loved who I was in Australia, I loved the confidence I had the swagger I had. Old me was back! College me was back

Killed - The problem with a vacation is people you meet you will never see again. So I had to be relatively cold. I can't open up, what's the point. You meet a girl who MIGHT be your next ex-wife but you never get a chance. You don't get to be the good guy. I was lucky too. I didn't get my ass shot down or rejected. But knowing me, I take that so hard. I was lucky enough that this shoe didn't drop

My Growth

Built - I saw another country, chilled on another beach, tried some new beers, had a few revelations. All in the name of my growth and maturity

Killed - I didn't figure out what I want to do with my life. Is it NYC or buying a condo in Toronto. Where do I want to plant my seeds? These were questions I thought I would answer or at least address in my 48 hours of flying and 3 weeks with nothing really to do. Yea didn't even think of them. FUCK

My money

Built - Come on you knew I would be thinking of money. I saved about $500 on car and social expenses by being away.

Killed - I spent $1,400... FUCK!!! thats $62 a day. But given I had to pay for all my meals, plus car rentals and hotel for our beach vacation its reasonable. Just fuck I budgeted $3,000 as a very conservative vacation budget. But $1,600 for a ticket ant $1,400 spending I was right no if not over. Sets my condo purchase plans back, just a tad

One Love

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back from Australia

Yes yes y'all I'm back!

It would be honestly too hard to go through the entire 3 weeks in Australia so I will keep blogging as normal while taking random spots to jot down my thoughts on a certain night

I kinda made a super gay diary of my adventures so I will probably just copy and paste segments of it when I feel like it

I have all next week off so I will probably blog every day... Here's hoping

One Love

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why do my titles disppear?

I have 2 topics I want to discuss

1) my perfect date
2) My undying hatred of unions within governments and municipalities

As much as I like ranting and raving, I also like being nostalgic and letting my hopeless romantic flag fly. But considering the Toronto strike has (almost)
ended I figured I would talk about item 2

If you want an idea of what the strike is about, the coles notes version is that other municipal unions (Police, firefighters… people who actually do work) received modest pay increases, while Local 416 and 79 (garbage men, babysitters… people who do bullshit work) are being told they need to make concessions given the new economic circumstances.

The big political issue – Banked sick days. The unions employees want to be able to bank up to 18 unused sick days per year up to 6 months and get that money as a lump sum when they retire.

Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?

Ok the first part is who gets 18 sick days a year? 365 days a year *5/7 work days = 260 work days per year.

Less about 8 days of stat holidays
Less maybe 15 days vacation

You are talking about 237 serious working days. 18/237 = 8%. So you expect to spend 8% of your working life sick? Really? Do you have NO white blood cells at all?!?! Does an immune system NOT exist in your body? Anyways the point isn’t the 8% but that’s really really fucking dumb

The point is sick days are given to you not as vacation but as you are seriously ill and we don’t want you to go through the torture of having to work sick (If I had a dollar for every fucking day I worked sick because I had a deadline to meet…) So that fact that you think they should be treated like you’re vacation days is just stupid. Nobody else gets to keep their sick days in perpetuity then get money for not using them so why should you? Also, consider the fact that many baby boomers will be retiring at the same time, and you want the municipalities (IE. the tax payers (IE ME)) to hand you a fat fucking cheque for 6 months pay because you were sick less then 8% of your working time?!?! The liability is estimated at $250m for the city. Like $250m for NO services provided, just a fat fucking retirement check for your fat fucking ass

Now on to the union itself…

1) You’re a government union. Therefore you do nothing and expect to be well compensated for it. You work your CBA negotiated hours, and nothing more, often less. You are a drain on society, you are a drain on my tax dollars, you are GROSSLY overpaid 95% of the time and you do shit all 85% of the time. I hate you, because I actually have to work hard (In my busy season – Oct to April I worked 55 hours a week… 11 hours a day) and you “work” 9-4 and get paid more then I do

2) Local 416 is made of paramedics, social housing workers, water and wastewater specialists, librarians and other library workers, gardeners, labourers, animal control officers, parking lot attendants. Look through that list, and tell me you couldn’t do any of their jobs RIGHT NOW. Ok maybe the water specialists, but reading those dials would take mayyybe a weeks worth of training. My point is I think we could actually survive in the city without your “essential” services (Except ambulance services). Listen. A fucking monkey can do what you do! You think you deserve $30 an hour to water a fucking garden and put away a library book?!?1 Are you serious?!?1 and I have to pay you $30/hour to do this?

3) Ok you want to strike and sit on your ass and be useless, then fine, whatever. But the fact that you setup picket lines along garbage drop off zones is just the most annoying point of all. I mean we are doing your job, IN OUR SPARE FUCKING TIME, which highlights how fucking easy your job is. But you can’t have that. You can’t have us proving that a fucking monkey can do your job because then nobody would notice you are on strike, further proving how useless you are and you would get your fat pay cheques you don’t deserve, or those bank sick day bonuses you don’t earn.

The fact of the matter is You do no work… You get great pay… I pay higher taxes.. To subsidize your “do no work” attitude…

So I say… Fuck you and the horse you ride in on. I hope the city absolutely crushes you and you get knocked down to the pay scale you deserve. Or we could hire some monkeys to do your job. We could pay them in bananas…

One Love

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Does it need to be long to be good?

The post... Does it need to be long to be a good post? For fuck sakes get your mind out of the gutter!!

I'm really not sure what to write in this post. I wanted to describe my best date, but its too long, and hard, and there was too much grunting... We played squash... honestly we did? seriously get your mind out of the gutter!!

Anyways I went to see my aunts on the weekend, which really really makes me say I don't want to grow old and feeble. I don't ever want to be a burden depend on my family for basic necessities to the point where them seeing me is a drag on them.

My 2 aunts are in their late 80's early 90's. My aunt Adele has dementia, so if you come near her she will bite at you, and kick you and generally try to hurt you. She shovels food in her mouth like its her last meal, she needs to wear a diaper, and she will not speak to you. This is very far from the aunt Adele I used to know. She used to spend time in the summer, and when I got home from work I would take her for a walk in the sun and she would tell me stories about when she lived in Arizona and LA and the parties she went to and the cars she drove and the people she met, just awesome hilarious stories... So its so sad to see her there

My aunt Julliet I haven't been as close with. She's in ok health and her mind is still there. But she's taking care of her sister and it's a massive drain on her health and sanity, so she's suffering; and it's sad

Anyways we went to see them and its just so sad. All aunt Adele does is bang on the table demanding food, aunt Julliet yells at her to shut up, my grandmother starts crying, the house smells like old urine, the radio is blaring 24/7 music from the 1930's, none of the clocks work, the lights are always off... its just a despicable way to live...

Which made me come to a few conclusions

- The minute I start to lose my mind I'm going for a little drive, alone at night... off a cliff

- Being old is a miserable existence. You get NOTHING good, everything bad

- I'm going to tell people all my most messed up experiences when I get old so at least my stories will be entertaining

- I will be super nice to everyone who takes the time to come see me and I will always try to do something they find fun.

- If I can't get a car I will have a 40 of Jack Daniels and I will chug and chug and chug...

How ominous...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Thoughts of randomness

I don't really know what to say. I'm kinda in a confusing loop in terms of stuff, so I thought I would just say some things that come to mind. Also I'm stealing this from someone...

Things that are Awesome-O!

- Boxing: God I wish people would give up on UFC and go back to boxing. and I also wish the boxing regulatory boards would finally merge so you could have one unified group rather then millions of little boards that claim they are the true lords of boxing. It really is the sweet science. Oh God I swear if Pacquiao fights Mayweather I am going to cream my pants each and every round.

- The Beatles: Who would you rather be, the Beatles or the Rolling Stones? Fuck I would be the Beatles in a fucking heartbeat. The Stones were great... very very great. The Beatles were absolutely groundbreaking and the voice of a generation, perhaps the most important generation in the history of the world (fucking hippies, get a job!). I got to sit on the grass, close my eyes and listen to Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band album and its fucking awesome! Like its so fucking cool you can close your eyes and imagine the lonely hearts club band + a circus act while they are performing. Just amazing...

- When you get home from a really though day, and your mom decided to get pizza and wings for dinner! Not only are pizza and wings the most delicious food on the history of the planet, they are the most awesome comfort foods on the planet. Do you know why men love pizza so much? It's simple childhood brainwashing. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was the greatest show of a young boys childhood. Like by far the most awesome show. and what did they eat on EVERY episode? Pizza! and that's why every young man loves pizza

- Top Gear: Season 13!! Top Gear is the greatest show ever made, ever... The ONLY problem with it is its only 6 episodes every season. So I've seen 3 episodes and I'm already half way through the season. Clarkson, May and Hammond combine driving super-cars, with british wit, a splash of spontaneity, and opinionated rants that most shows are afraid of because they don't want to rag on the companies that give them their cars to test for free. I mean this season, they raced from London to Scotland. May in a 1950's car, Hammond in a 1950's bike, and Clarkson in a 1950 coal train, shovelling coal!

- Seeing an ex-gf. I'm seeing Jenn next week. She's the ex I always want to impress. She's super chill, very girly and let's me know I CAN attract someone who isn't pure evil. So when I see her I'll be rocking the suit, with the shades and be absolutely cocky! awesome-o!

Things that are poo

- Girls... Why can't you just be honest with me? Why the games?!?! why? If only men looked like girls... I'd be totally gay... Hey you wanna play video games in bed all day?!?! ohh and eat pizza and wings?!?!

- Irish Managers: Every time they tell you to do something it always sounds like they are pissed off at you

That is all

One love!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My perfect summer

2 Summers ago I had the greated summer I would ever have. No summer in my life will ever top this summer. I will break down a hypothetical week after I explain who, where, and why

Where Kingston, On. Kingston was the perfecet location. Queens campus is beautiful, it was sunny all the time; our house was a 8 bedroom house with 3 of them actually being used. I had a gym membership at Queens and the gym was empty. There are tons of hills to longboard down, downtown was so close to my house and the outskirts of the city were historical


Dave - Dave was always my good friend, but we hung out all the time together in Kingston. We always have one person in our group who ruins a fun experience. With just me and him nobody brings drama, nobody is annoying

Baumer - The party/class clown all summer. First one to get drunk, always made stupid decisions, always regretted them the next morning when we went for coffee

Della - Della is to Baumer what I am to Dave. Just the chill friend who doesn't cause drama

Kathleen - My beautiful girlfriend/ summer romance or whatever you want to call it. She was smart, beautiful, insane amounts of fun, made me think of the world a little bit differently, and constantly challenged me, which is EXACTLY what I need.

Why - I was there to take extra courses to get me ready for my exams. As it turns out I was there to party my ass off before I started working full-time

- Tuesday nights were $2 tall boys of old Milwaukee. Now that beer is literally pee from Milwaukee people but its 2 bucks! We drank like crazy there, got silly drunk and danced all night. One time we took a shot at the bar, and Dave literally vomited on the bar 1 second after he took the shot.

- After a hard night of drinking I would get up at like 11pm hung the fuck over, stumble into Dave's room and be like "Daave I'm gonna go get Wendys do you want anything" to which dave would stick his head out of bed and smile and be like "Spicy chicken sandwich" and I'd go grab his lunch and mine, stumble on my chair and watch arrested development eating delicious Wendys. Yummm now I'm hungry

- We'd probably go golfing in the afternoon, chilling under the beautiful sun with no responsibilities and not a care in the world. I still remember those days, sun is shining on my face, I'm in the middle of the green on a Wednesday afternoon with my 2-3 good friends, who cares if this shot sucks my life is awesome!

- Wednesday nights were beach slam!!!! Beach slam was fucking awesome it was a themed party at Stages, and was always full of mischef. Cheap drinks, "banana" eating contests, 30 seconds in the closet game. I met so many hilarious people, made a fool out of my self often and always had a great laugh the next day. Sometimes after I would meet Kathleen at her place (she would be out with her friends at another bar). I remember waking up next to her, hung over but with a smile. I had the most beautiful girl in the world sleeping next to me. Shes amazing, she looks so good and I have her!

- Dates with Kathleen were just awesome. Our first date we went to a restaurant, chatted, grabbed some dinner and then ice cream. We walked along the waterfront eating ice cream her telling me about the history of Kingston. We stopped at the edge of the dock, under the moonlight with our feet in the water and stared at the stars. I kissed her right there under the moonlight. It was an electric kiss. I was happy to get many many more from her throughout the summer.

- Friday nights at Elixer was awesome! Cheap drinks, huge dance floor, big outdoor patio. We partied every night there until the bar closed at 2. Then we would go to Pizza pizza and stuff our faces, head home and watch TV while scarfing pizza

- Softball nights. We had a softball team and everytime there was a game Kathleen and I would come up with excuses on why we couldn't go and met up. It was our weekly tradition

- Watching Baumer make horrible mistakes night in night out is hilarious. Watching him pick up some of the ugliest chicks you have ever seen, then text us the next morning being like OH MY GOD, why did you let me do this?! He used to drop his pants and dance in his boxers on the dance floor. He has his dance move called the "jail cell" dude was hilarious

To recap - Drinking, golf, eating great food, hilarious conversation, beautiful inspiring girlfriend

Monday, July 13, 2009

Confidence = crapper

Man this has been a tough 2 weeks for my confidence. I don’t know what’s the deal with me. I’m either being way too dramatic, or I’ve been delusional.

I still see it in my head. I’m at the bar Saturday night, just dancing and hanging out with friends. In the corner of my eye I see “her”. That girl in the club that just catches your eye, the one you look for throughout the night, the one that makes eye contact with you and you're jusr drawn. The one that, because I suck, gets away.

I hate how this shit haunts me. Any other guy, some stupid girl at the bar gets away they are like whatever who gives a shit. But not me. It's like my ego CANNOT take the thought of somebody, anybody not being head over heels interested in me. I can't just let it go, everyone has to like me, everyone has to be attracted to me.

I remember, we made brief eye contact and I was just waiting for my in, my moment to introduce myself. My problem was I didn’t have anything. She was on the dance floor dancing with her friend. The problem is without a wingman (which I didn’t have) you can’t just take her in front of her friend, its insulting and it just won’t work. Then I catch a break. Her friend finds her bf or some guy or whatever I don’t give a shit; but this girl let's call her Amy storms off upset at her friend.

PERFECT!! I’m in, I just find her, tell her I saw what happened, tell her that her friend is an ass and she (Amy) is so much better looking then her, buy her a drink, go dancing with her, get her number, call, date, get married, have kids, grow old together. Done and DONE! (Ok maybe the fact that I just mentioned marrying a girl I haven’t even met yet, even in a humorous nature, signals an underlying problem with me. Oh well I have the medication… BEER!)

Now I just have to find her, make the eye contact again, and see where this takes me. The problem is I can’t find her, and I’m getting frustrated. I give up, and head back to my friends

About 30 minutes later I see the group dancing together, and this guy shows up out of nowhere and starts dancing with her. Now I’m pissed and my confidence just got knocked into next week. Because I waited, and waited for the perfect moment, now I lost her and I have to watch this douche bag wrap his arms around her, and go in for kisses like 11,000 times while being rejected!! Treat her right you ass!! Fuck!!

Story of my life. I have to overthink her, so I lose her, then I overthink losing her and get my confidence knocked in. My problem is I fall in love with a girl the second I see her. And if it doesn’t work, I get heartbroken, which makes me not want to even try. But then when I don’t try I feel like THIS!!!!

Fuck! And to be honest, taking about it isn’t helping, its just making things worse… so fuck this

One Love…

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Saturday at the cottage

Now that I’ve managed to sabotage my own life with my antics on Friday I now feel like absolute shit on Saturday. I have a million questions running through my mind with no answers, a girl that won’t look at me anymore, and A LOT of apologizing to do

Luckily nobody saw what happened and it was between me and her.. for now… Also I need to see her soon and apologize and see if she hates me

Anyways Saturday was the beer Olympics, which is less fun then you would think.

We drafted for players and I had actually hoped I wouldn’t be drafted. Unfortunately I was drafted with Kramer as my team leader, this useless bum who was the last overall draft pick, and a girl who doesn’t know how to drink

Event 1 – Beeer Pong

This event is really my life in a nutshell. I’m better at beer pong then I will ever give myself credit for and won’t step up take the mantle and go because I’m so nervous about failure because I have to win. Kramer and the useless dude play the first game and lose.. badly

I play the second game with the sporty girl and we kick absolute ass. So you would think that I would volunteer to play game 3, but no I’m too chicken. Kramer and the useless dude get their ass kicked again, and then I’m forced to play the deciding game 4

So again, I flaunt my chicken shit routine and have the sporty girl shoot first. If you airball your partner loses their turn and she airballed 4 in a row, but I kept letting her throw first (I never airball ) and we lost. It was close, thanks to me but we lost. Done and done

Kramer gets pissed

Event 2 – Flip Cup

Ok in this game you chug a beer, put your cup on the edge of the table and flip it. We got murdered! Mostly because the sporty girl, as I previously alluded, can’t drink or play flip cup. We come in dead last

Event 4 – Tips

This is a really dumb game some of my buddies invented where you throw a Frisbee and one person tips it and the other catches it. The problem with it is the loopholes in the rules. If you make a bad throw, you get to rethrow with no penalty. So what everyone does when we play competitively is throw as badly as possible while still making it a legal throw because you can do it 1,000,000,000 times with no real penalty. So the tournament ended up being a Frisbee-throw-in-the-dirt contest which took like 3 hours. We won though because Kramer is really good at it, and I’m good at it and sporty girl is sporty

Again there’s nothing to explain tip catch, boring! I made a fantastic catch that got called back saying the Frisbee hit the ground (it didn’t I was the only one that could see it due to the hill) and I kinda got really pissed over a Frisbee catch, good for me!

Event 5 – Boat Race

Beer chug; you can’t go until the guy before you goes. Simple. We made it to the finals because Kramer and I can down quickly. But in the finals the useless guy was so drunk he couldn’t keep his beer in his hand and we lost. God he’s useless fucking last overall draft pick. Me and Kramer were pissed we thought we could have had it

Either way we came in a close 3rd but we were pretty pissed… beer Olympics done

That night we drank some more. Melora kept looking at me while she was in George’s arms… AWKWARD, bury my head in the fire. I also had this one buddy who was all over this ugly ugly chick… like dude, I know your gf, this is fucking awkward

Lastly, to end it off Jerry got in a fight with Newman and Jerry kicked Newman’s ass. It doesn’t help that Newman tried to leap onto a table and topped it falling on his face, or that he tried to fight me and tripped on a chair and landed on his face, or that he puked in the woods and tried to cuddle with a fuuuughly chick hahaha good times.

I just stared at Melora longingly and hated myself for most of the night. Ohhh shit I forgot Tim’s GF!

Ok so I was like the only one still awake and Tim’s gf was actually outside because her and Tim were fighting. So she starts talking to me about what’s going on with her, and we have a good conversation. She’s super chill because she laughs hysterically at any joke you make no matter how unfunny so it builds your self-esteem

Anyways we talked for apparently a very long time. Then Tim came out to smoke with our friends and gave me absolute cut eye. Her too.. I felt bad… but whatever we were just talking.

Then, to make things gayer Jerry wants to talk to Tim’s gf and asks me to leave… Asshole, fuck him… Whatever I crash for the night as the suns coming up

Crash at 5:30

What a fucked up weekend…
Next post… 2 summers ago, my perfect life happened and faded 2 summers ago

One Love

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How do I feel right now? Honestly its like I got hit by a semi, then dragged into a swamp and left there to die. I am in rough rough rough shape

Ok I know I said I wouldn’t post every Monday updating my weekend but this was a 5 day cottage weekend and sooo much went down. There are some things I can’t say and some things I’m afraid to say. This will all be from my perspective because, hey I’m a narccist and if shit doesn’t involve me why would I blog it?

Also keep in mind that I do consider myself somewhat of a professional, so my blog site will now be more mysterious as to who I am and what I do


Oh also keep in mind that many of these days sorta get blurred into each other


We got into the cottage at around 5pm. There were about 5 of us that night. So what do you do when you get to the cottage? Start drinking! So we relaxed by the fire and pounded back some beers, chatted about nothing and enjoyed one of the only days of sun.

Crap I think I need to describe my friends

Elaine – ME… The kind of chill relaxed person who tries to avoid confrontation

Jerry – The ringleader, his cottage the goofy fun loving person who is the only person who is friends with everyone coming to the cottage

Kramer – My buddy who is the unemployed mooch. Really wants to be whacky and have everybody pay attention to him because of his antics. But really who knows if people like him

George – A friend of Jerry but not really a friend of Elaine (ME). Kind of handicapped weird guy that you don’t know if you can trust

George’s gf (Melora) – If you’ve ever seen the Hampton Tomatas “You gooota come see that babeee” episode of Seinfeld who know who I’m talking about. Very quiet, sticks with George but is full of surprises


The drinking ensues and I think we are all having a good time. Kramer has already offended George’s GF and she wants nothing to do with us. Actually Melora when commenting on how we are all disgusting guys makes some comment about how I’m not really like them. Wooo me! ???

So we are drinking, smoking telling stories and relaxing for most of the night. Kramer gets drunk and idiotic and Insists his hate rock of 10 songs be plays which annoys us, then we play Kings which gets is silly drunk. We go back down to the fire and Kramer collapses on the lawn and passes out. We don’t care… Jerry and I go for a walk looking for some friends at another cottage. We find nobody, go to a part of the cottage with a beautiful view of the lake, and talk about what’s going on with us. We vent a lot about work, shoot the shit, drink and enjoy the night

We get back and Kramer is passed out on a chair and I put him to bed. Jerry decides he should be up partying and wakes Kramer up. Kramer punches Jerry in the face and a big fight ensues. I say “fuck it” and just leave them to battle it out. And go chill outside. Their fight turns into a wrestling match and Jerry beats up Kramer until he quits.

We crash for the night, until Kramers tent leaks in the rain and he decides he’s going to sleep on a couch inside, but not after blaring his hate rock music to wake everybody up… fucking fuck tard

Went to bed at 3:30am


Wake up at 11:30 grab a coffee ( I don’t drink coffee) and relax by the hot embers of the fire. We all wake up and chill until late afternoon. That’s when 2 more characters show up:

Tim Watley: Jerry's friend, kind of an odd character, really only Jerry's friend, but he and Elaine (me) have hung out here and there

Tim Watley's GF: Ok fuck I'm out of Seinfeld names for these people, so I will call her Susan

So Tim and Susan arrive all jokes and smiles. I don't mind Tim but again he's kinda odd and you need to approach him just right or else your're in for trouble

Thursday night rolls around and Tim starts to get into it with George about who gets a bed, Tim gets all pissy and we have to deal with it. Whatevs..

Kramer continues to drive everybody fucking nuts and thinks he's doing everyone a service.

Melora and I keep exchanging weird glances, which isn't good. Then that night she help fix a splinter I got in my finger. Her hands were very soft and warm and I think she liked our contact because she didn't let go. She also stood on a table and gave me a stare down, which allowed our eyes to meet and our heads to move very close to each other... she's smiling playfully at me...


Crash 4:30am


Friday afternoon Newman shows up! Jerry hates Newman but Newmans come all the way from Timbuktu in a rash and stupid decision to see Jerry and Kramer, and I guess me

So we're all drinking enjoying the night. Newman passes our early and in regular fashion we draw penises all over him.

So we get drunk. and I mean ripped off our asses. It happens because of the fucking boot! 6L of beer + whiskey and I chugged about 1L of that shit. It was gross, but it fucked me up quick. God there was so much whiskey in that shit

So I`m fucked. I dunno what happened where but Melora (remember George`s GF) in true Seinfeld fashion starts doing things that would drive George crazy. Our eye contact gets more and more deliberate. My mind is racing, what`s she doing? is this on purpose? I`m so confused

So Melora starts coming closer to me, and wrapping her arms around me. Its comforting, its an ego trip, its horribly wrong, I can`t stop this, she just looks too good. I can`t help myself

Jerry bails me out with a ``you wanna play frisbee dude?`` Thank you Jerry!!!

Well that doesn`t end that. I get back and she comes at me again, wraps her arms around me and this time she unleashes my kryptonite. She takes her hand, with her soft delicate fingers, and starts rubbing my neck and scratching the back of my head, playing with my hears. Now thats fucking death... she`s got me and she knows it. Its like scratching a cats belly, rubbing a dog under its neck, or scratching a lions mane its just soothing and melts any fucking guy... I can still feel it now...

George calls her over (I honestly have no idea if he saw what she did. I suspect he would have been super pissed if he knew) and gives her the biggest kiss in front of everyone. She immediately looks at me after the kiss but I`m gone. Jerry talks to me about the petting thing and I admit to him I`m just so confused. Why is she playing with me??! why?! He`s just as confused as I am but reminds me I can`t fool around with Georges gf, its just not right

Weellll Give that 20 mins of cooling down and again she happens to be near me, with her arms around me. George drives her away again, gives me a hug and tells me thank you for being a good friend to her, because she`s new to the group and he appreciates it... Well now I feel so completely fucked up... good for me!

So time for round fucking 4! George is gone, shes back with her head on my shoulder, but this time she does it. She moves her ass right on my leg and just starts rubbing it up and down my leg, moving closer and closer to.. umm THAT area... then she just does it... So what do I do? you know me the non exhibitionist who hates controversy and will avoid it? I grab her ass... and its not a quick grab, I grabbed and rubbed her ass and she does nothing, NOTHING to stop me. In fact she pushes her ass out so I can feel her ass. and MAN that's a fantastic ass, I loved every minute of it. all 30 fucking minutes of my retartedness... I want to stop, I need to stop... I can`t stop... I didnt stop... I`m an asssshole

So George I don`t even know asks her to come look at the water with him alone... thank god!!

Crash 4am

I go to bed that night feeling like a cheap whore. I will talk about this in another blog

Fuck I`m tired of this... Blog Thursday will be Saturday night events, which was the beer Olympics

To be continued

One Love

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Grinds my gears (1)

I’m heading off to the cottage tomorrow and staying until Sunday. Therefore the blog will be out of commission for the rest of the week. So to all of nobody who reads it, you will be disappointed all week.

My favourite cartoon dad Peter Griffin had a short lived spot on his TV news network called “grinds my gears” which is where he just vented about stuff that bothered him. I thought I would try something like that in blog form, so here goes.

You know what really grinds my gears –

- People who have facebook or myspace as apps on their phones. Like FUCK YOU. Seriously fuck you, are you the dumbest person to walk this earth to pay extra money to get facebook on your phone? Is facebook so unbelievably important to you that you can wait the 15 fucking minutes between your computer at work and your computer at home that you HAVE to reply to a wall post? Or you took a picture of the sky and you HAVE to post it now you just can’t wait? Data plans are 50% dumb. Facebook plans are 100% dumb and you’re dumb I hope you get hit by a car posting LOL on your friends wall

- Credit card debt. Seriously, how dumb are you? Like don’t buy something on a credit card unless you have the cash or will get the cash by the end of the month. Like its that simple. Credit cards charge 18% or higher on your debt so don’t ever EVER not pay your bills on time. But no people amass debt on their card then whine and complain that they can’t pay it off. You bought something you can’t afford, credit card companies are greedy bastards for charging you 18% but you’re a dumb bastard for BUYING SOMETHING YOU CAN’T AFFORD!! Like how do you justify it?! “Derrrrrr I make $4,000 a month and spend $3,900 on needs, but I will buy a $5,000 pool table right now with my credit card”

- Monster SUV’s. You don’t go off-roading, you have 1 kid, you don’t need a Ford Expedition. Then again you probably can’t afford one now with all your credit card debt (see above)

- $8 moca-frapa-latte-chino-upsidedown-low-fat-caramel-Aztek from Starbucks. Literally it cost them $0.3 to make and they sold it to you for $8 PLUS the delightfully witty banter they give you, “How’s your day *fake smile fake smile* How’s work treating you? *fake laugh fake laugh* hahah you’re so funny. I’m your friend, no honest….” Which must be valued at $7 because that’s what you just paid for it. You know what those “baristas” remind me of. Strippers. You ever been to a strip club? They give you the exact same witty fake banter, but the difference is for $20 I get a lap dance AND nudity; you get 2 coffees and a fucking muffin

- Costume or themed parties. There is only 1 time during the year when you can wear a costume and its cool. Other then that you look like an idiot. Worse then that you are clearly acting like exclusionist assholes, which begs the question why did you go to a bar in the first place? Worse still is you take 9,000,000 pictures of yourself and post it on facebook. You know what’s even less funny then seeing a group of costume party people? Looking at pictures of costume party people posing awkwardly at a bar. For example...

I just... hate you all soo much... You look ridiculous... and I feel like I'd rather be alone in the world then be your friend... But I'm sure the feeling is mutual...

- Me… Who do I think I am? I must be the most negative, cynical man on planet earth I can’t stop being constantly frustrated by things that don’t affect me, then keeping an elitist mentality over what I perceive as different. If I was listening to me I would say that dude is a fucking douche. Ok ok new leaf next post is things that I love

One Love...

Monday, June 29, 2009

My dream last night

Brace yourself… this ones going to be a long one…

I’m at an NHL hockey game with like my mom, my aunt right near the front row. We are watching the game and enjoying our time. No drinking or anything. The arena is medium sized and I don’t remember who is playing but The Flyers come to mind.

Then, part way through the game, and without warning, it turns into a kiss concert. Must have been intermission or something but the concert was really good and I enjoyed it. Then the game went on again, and there was another random intermission where they played a 70’s hockey game. This all made sense to me in the dream though, which is usual.

Now here’s where it gets weird; my mom and aunt leave to get some drinks. Without notice the most beautiful girl in the world is beside me. She’s just a knockout, like exactly the kind of girl that I like. She’s tall with black hair, deep green eyes, slight tan (like me!) sexiest smile, pouty lips. She’s wearing a grey spaghetti strap top that’s a little tight, and a mid leg blue skirt that shows off her absolutely incredible legs.

For some reason I feel like I know her, and she had poise, confidence, a slight flirty edge but she seemed very down to earth and most certainly not slutty. I was totally into her and she asked me how the games been. For some reason I start talking about how the concert was amazing and the games been tons of fun, and we’re really hitting it off.

Then one of the hockey players skates up and starts talking to me. I don’t remember about what but I felt nervous and timid. He starts then talking to her, and he starts flirting with her, all while I’m watching. Then she moves beside me and starts walking up the steps, and her skirt becomes very very short, and she turns from this down to earth girl to an absolute slut. Then, the next thing I know she’s on all fours on one of the bleacher benches skirt half up. There is also another girl who is in the same position, but I don’t know the other girl. The hockey player starts fucking the other girl (the one I didn’t know) while the girl I know with is sitting there almost waiting for her turn.

I’m just sitting there feeling like an absolute idiot… The End.

What does that mean??!?!?! Honestly?!?!

Ok so here’s my dream interpretations, brought to you by

Hockey – Ok so there is no generic term for hockey, but I already know this one. Hockey represents an awkwardness and a lack of comfort for me. Hockey was always my gift and my curse. When I was a kid I played very competitive hockey (some friends are in the NHL right now) but it wasn’t fun because the pressure was just too much, and I just wasn’t good enough, and I was too timid and awkward as a kid to really fit in the dressing room. Hockey represents a setting in which I’m not comfortable with

Aunt – “To see your aunt in your dream, represents family characteristics and values. It is a connection to your own heritage.” Considering my family’s religiousness and their “For the record” opinions on sex (wooo go being born before your parents even planned their wedding, wooo hyprocracy!) that makes sense. As soon as they left that this girl showed up and they weren’t there for the actual threesome. My aunt represents the religious attitudes I was taught about sex, and her walking away represents my own breaking away from these teachings. Which is funny because I never thought I took them seriously in the first place

Mother – “To see your mother in your dream, represents the nurturing aspect of your own character. Mothers offer shelter, comfort, life, guidance and protection.” This is confusing because hockey represented a lack of all of these things. So why would I see comfort and lack of comfort at the same time. Maybe because my mom was front and center of my religious teachings about sex. No no no no… Because I see sex and my own performance as almost a sport (see hockey) and because that brings about feelings of lack of comfort (see hockey) my mom represents the comfort of not having sex because I don’t have to meet my own performance goals. Which is why after she left, that girl showed up because she IS SEX.

The girl - She is sex. Plain and simple, see colours.

Flirting – “To dream that you are flirting or that someone is flirting with you, represents your need for intimacy and affection. You may be about to enter into a serious commitment or relationship in the near future.” Really? I need affection, no fucking way!

Arena – An arena represents an area of conflict in your life. Again I never really thought that sex was a conflict, but given my upbringing yea that makes sense. And hockey is the perfect representation because it’s so taboo to me, just like sex to me. It’s just something I don’t discuss with others. But it also represents competition, which is my innate view of sex as a performance measure.

The Sex - To dream of helplessly watching a mate have sex or making out with someone else is your inner expression of feelings of sexual inadequacy or insecurity with the romanitic involvement with your mate. I think that’s partially right. I don’t have a mate, nor do I ever try to get romantically involved with anyone. But the fact that my performance is competitive to me maybe I’m feeling that constant improvement is required because I’m so competitive. It could also mean that I’m not being brave enough to take a chance with someone new, which also created insecurity. Hmm that ones a tough one…

Colours analysis. Thanks

Blue - Negative philosophy of life. e.g. superstition or fearful form of religion. Yes YES YES! That’s exactly it. She was wearing a blue skirt. A blue fucking skirt represents my own childhood fears enforced on me that sex is bad mmkay. And because she was wearing it and I wanted to do awful (sexy!) things to her skirt colour is religions negative philosophy, which covers her, but gets pulled up (super sexy!) and removed.

Grey - Meaning: Uncommitted, uncertain - ‘grey area’. Mental denial of emotion, depression. Again my rigid religious values on sexuality fighting with my own desires gives me an uncertain grey area. Maybe that’s why we didn’t have sex. Because she wasn’t really a woman she was my inner conflict on sexuality and you can’t fight a conflict.

Ok so sum it up. My interpretation of the dream is that it’s a triangle in a setting I’m not comfortable with (hockey arena). It’s my own conflict with my upbringing/ religion which taught me sex was bad (aunt symbols), plus the girl and her clothes (colours, and her relationship with me). It’s also my conflict with my competitive nature seeing sex as a sport (hockey and arena symbols) and the inherent insecurity problems that come with that (watching the guy fuck that girl), and the comfort level I achieve when I don’t have sex (mom) and don’t have to deal with the competitive pressures. Lastly it symbolizes my desire to be assertive, take chances, because if I guarantee if I would have tried to kiss that girl she would have let me, but I didn’t.
There is one thing that I don’t understand. Why did the guy fuck the other girl and not my girl. I woke up before he did anything to her… Maybe the fact that he didn’t have sex with her tells me that she was waiting for me? Maybe its saying that she’s right there so take her; don’t over think, don’t listen to your childhood scare tactics, just take her…

Executive summary
Sex causes conflicts for me due to religion, and my competitive nature. To overcome this I need to drop any semblance of religious entanglement, and not worry about beating my performance goals, take chances and just fucking go for it!

Friday, June 26, 2009

My Ego

An ode to my ego

My ego has gone through more shit then that chick from the first Jurassic Park movie. Highs and lows everywhere you turn. So permit me to do a little high-level self psychology

I was going to go into a long drawn out Wikipedia definition of the ego the id and the super-ego but I’m not teaching a psych course.

My situation is a simple circle of redundancy.

1. Win…I need to win. I can’t stand losing ever in anything EVER. I can be childish, mature, or whatever I need to be in order to win. If I don’t win I…
2. Lose… Which in my case, losing may very well feel worse thing winning, it’s tough to say. I take losses very VERY hard. It gets inside of me, it bugs me it lingers and festers. I will do anything in my power not to lose. Why do I take losing so badly? Probably because I…
3. Overanalyze… Any situation you can imagine I will manage to overanalyze. Doesn’t matter how trivial I will overthink the shit out of it, which is why losing always feels worse. I have to analyze my loss and the factors and causes until its all I can think about; it possesses me and stops me from being able to get over whatever I fucking lost. Over analysis then leads to…
4. Isolation/Uniqueness… When I can’t possibly explain my over analysis to people it limits my social interactions as I would much rather be in my own head then be outgoing and thus considered fucking weird. This builds up my own identity as a lone wolf and as a unique individual which I covet as the reason I’m so fucking weird. But no matter how much you call yourself unique, when you don’t open up you feel…
5. Lonely… Nothing is worse then feeling alone. It’s literally 2 shots coming at you as you lose any sense of friendship, while at the same time have nobody to talk to about being alone. Well when you’re feeling blue and you want to feel better what do you do?
6. Win… Or drink… both are acceptable

So if I can win just enough, I can feel pretty damn good… Quit judging me! What’s your vice huh?!?!

My problem is this cycle has gotten me all my success so far to date. Why did I get through university with such good grades, and pass all my accounting exams without problems? Because the though of losing (IE failing) and how fucking awful I would feel for months and months on end drove me to work so hard that it was impossible to fail. Couple that with the fact that constantly be thinking and analyzing (from my over analysis experience) got me through high school, university and all of my exams, which got me wins, which gets me happy!

The same cycle follows in my relationships with women. My mind just can’t comprehend losing, and by that logic my mind thinks that every woman on planet earth MUST want me. So getting rejected by a girl absolutely haunts me. Its like losing, it just nags and nags at me and slowly tears my confidence apart. So I need to keep winning

One day I’ll find the girl, and the person that caters to this, and compliments me… I’ll find the friends who will

I’ll explain the perfect girl sometimes…whenever

One Love..

Friday, June 19, 2009

Umm how does this work

Just a quick post, and try to follow me on this one...

There's this company called Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment (MLSE) who are better known as the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Toronto Raptors, or as the bully in the sandbox. They have managed to steal 70 million dollars from Ontario tax payers and have been applauded for it

Now let me mention the fact that MLSE is owned by the teachers fucking pension fund. Which means anything for a buck, because teachers work soooooo hard 9/12 months. Anyways my hatred of teachers, specifically teachers who complain about their jobs will be reserved for another blog.

Ok so here's what they did. and I will reflect the cash flow of this to explain how they robbed me

May 11 2006 - MLSE announces that Toronto will get a soccer team (Toronto FC.. or just FC). Fucking idiots in Toronto celebrate the fact that we now have a shit team in what is a fucking awful league, like the 10th best professional soccer league, behind the Polish elite league, the Turkish premier league. Like the MLS is terrible terrible soccer but hey we are Toronto we pretend to be European and you can't be European without a fucking soccer team, even if the team is filled with scrubs who couldn't be backups in Europe.

MLSE starts skeeming... They wanted the stadium, and keep their cash... They thought of a plan... and they thought of it fast...

2006-2007 - The soccer stadium is constructed. And get this. MLSE, with all their millions billions of dollars bitches and whines to get the Province to build them a fucking stadium. So politics and politics later the $72m stadium is built and here is how the cash flow works

MLSE - 8m
MLSE - 10m sponsorship. But they will make that back PLUS in 5 years EASY...
Feds - 27m
Ontario - 8m
Toronto - 10m
Feds - Land 9m

So I subsidized a bullion dollar company, and they put in 8m. I'm not including buying sponsorship because they will make that back.

So because of the fact that the government funded the stadium, to make the idiots in Toronto feel like we didn't just give 60m to rich people, the government mandated that the stadium be "public" so they can have kids tournaments all year round and shit. So they put in artificial field turf, as regular grass wares out too quickly

2009 - So here's where MLSE really just robbed us of our money. So MLSE (through FC) complains that artificial turf is bad mmkay and bullshit bullshit bullshit they don't want field turf they want grass.

This means that, because grass wares out too easily, they will be the ONLY PEOPLE to use the stadium that we built for them.

So what they suggest is that they will build a small field for the public (most it will cost is 3-5m) so kids and shit can play tournaments, but they won't build a second 70m field.

and of course, because elected officials are fucking stupid they say "Sure no problem boss"

and of course because Torontians are fucking retarded they say "deeerrrrrr gooo Toronto FC, take our money take it take it take it!!"

So to recap on how MLSE stole my money... they had us build a stadium for them, then kick us out, build us a cheaper stadium and live in their expensive stadium. So we could have spend 5m and built a cheap stadium for ourselves and be in the same fucking position

MLSE will pay about $15m and get a 70m stadium, right in front of us, claiming to benefit us, and we believe them...

Fuck we're stupid... so unbelievably stupid...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Quiz time!

hehe my favorite. I do a bunch of gay quizzes, then make fun of them for being gay, then comment on the results, legitimizing these dumbass quizzes

What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Literature Nerd

Does sitting by a nice cozy fire, with a cup of hot tea/chocolate, and a book you can read for hours even when your eyes grow red and dry and you look sort of scary sitting there with your insomniac appearance? Then you fit this category perfectly! You love the power of the written word and it's eloquence; and you may like to read/write poetry or novels. You contribute to the smart people of today's society, however you can probably be overly-critical of works.

It's okay. I understand.

Gamer/Computer Nerd
Science/Math Nerd
Anime Nerd
Artistic Nerd
Drama Nerd
Social Nerd
What Be Your Nerd Type?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Yea yea that makes sense. I do like to read, and given no responsibilities and shit I would love nothing more then to sit in a robe, by a fire, with some fucking brandy and read a good book. But I do hate poems, I think they are pretentious hippie bullshit. But I would agree on the most with this

How will I die?
Your Result: You will die in a nuclear holocaust.

The country responsible will be an unexpected one. I hope that you will be close to the epicenter of the explosion. Radiation is terrible. Your death, however, will always be remembered.

You will die in a car accident.
You will die from a terminal illness.
You will be murdered.
You will die while having sex.
You will die while saving someone's life.
You will die of boredom.
You will die in your sleep.
How will I die?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Not gonna lie I plan to die doing 120mph in a Ferrari with as many hookers and drugs as I can cram in there while going straight into a brick wall... So fuck that I'll take the car accident

ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You?
Your Result: Silver and Red Wolf

*howl* You're a very strong person. You tend to be naive most of the time, but when in love boy do you know how to get around! You prefer to be quite around adults. Your soul mate is the gold falcon. You're in conflict with the maroon panda.

Blue Fox
Red Jaguar
Teal Cat
Ocre and Gray Dolphin
Tan Giraffe
Gold Falcon
Yellow Trout
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Ohh yea I totally am! Strong, passionate that kind of focused determined look that you see in people you see in me.

you r 56% dirty minded!!!!!!!

you are moderatly sick minded...NOT BAD! u wouldn't get most of my jokes though:( you might get grossed out or not get some of the sick minded people, you would get most of the jokes

how dirty minded r u???
Take More Quizzes

Bullshit!! I'm the guy that says "that's what she said" so much that people are afraid to make any statement without carefully considering it. I'm so much more dirty minded then that its not even funny... fuck that one

What type of partier are you?
Your Result: Bar Social Butterfly

Not quite as bad as the 'bar slut', you like to get a bit ripped and become everyone's new best freind. You talk to everyone and anyone, keep people laughing, and with enough liquor you become the professional comedian. You get into deep-thought topics with fellow drunks, get people crying on your shoulder when they vent to you, and end up with hundreds of phone numbers of people that you simply can't recall in your cell-phone all the time.

The rock-star party animal
Bar Slut
The Socialite
Hardcore drunk
The Lurker
The designated driver
What type of partier are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Yea makes sense

Wow I'm already bored of this

One Love...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What you rappin about little boy

Soooo tired. I honestly don't know why. You know when you have a dream that wakes you up in the middle of the night and fucks with you. Then you go back to sleep and wake up in the morning, remember that you were fucked with, but don't remember why?

That's my dream

I had a dream like 4 nights ago... My ex gf told me she loved me. Wow, doesn't take a shrink to figure out that interpretation

Anyways, I'm a pretend music guy. I have about 1,400 songs of different genres, mostly full albums and were talking 90's and later.

Top 5 albums I have

5. Tribe called quest: Midnight Marauders - This was one of the first progressive hip-hop groups I had ever heard. Hypnotic beats, cut and insightful lyrics, the album has possibly the greatest flow of any hip-hop album ever. Every song just flows beautifully into the next. Each song either relays a message, or tells a story. You can close your eyes, listen to the album and relax your ass away

4. Gorillaz: Demon Days - "I saw that day... Lost my mind... Lord I find... Maybe in time, you'll waaaaaant to be mine" Yes I know that makes no sense, but I LOVE this album. That album got me through 2 months of working 8:30am - 2am, and feeling like absolute shit. Whole album is one giant drug trip. Every song is ultimately about drugs, pain, which in and of itself is their idea of the root of drug addiction. There are also tons of subtle hints of the Iraq war, which they did BEFORE anybody else protested the war in song.

3. Lupe Fiasco: The Cool - Fuck I really want to put The Game's album in this slot, because I got them at the same time. But ultimately this album is just too fucking good. The flow is incredible, the beats are great, the lyrics are well done positive but political and hopelessly truthful. Its so difficult to explain you just have to listen to the album

2. Nas: Illmatic - In my opinion the greatest rap album ever produced, and nobody knows about it. It's Nas' coming out party in the 90s. A very very short album only about 10 songs, the longest being under 5 mins. There's no real message in the album, its just a collection of stories that flow together. But the stories are so well done, and paint such a detailed picture, you can close your eyes and picture what he's talking about.

1. Kanye West: Late Registration - I was tempted to pick his Graduation album but that's probably because I've listened to it more lately. Late registration just goes through so many emotions seamlessly. It goes from immaturity and almost an effortlessness and ease about life, to tragedy of diamonds from sierra Leone, to saying thank you to his mother. Just so well done so many messages so many different thinking points to interpret and ponder. Ok I admit he does kinda steal from 80's beats and daft punk but his message makes up for his thievery

Honorable mention

A perfect Circle: Thirteenth Step - Whole album is about 12 steps of rehab + rock bottom

The Game: The documentary - Dudes cocky but he backs it up. Like Dre in his hayday..

Eminem: The Slim Shady LP - Fucking hilarious!! Ok ok he talks about gays, rape and vicodin but its just so fucking funny

Daft Punk: ALive - Try to listen to this album without dancing... Try it...

Outkast- Fuck I forgot about Outkast that should havebeen in the top 5.. Ok superhonerable mention to Outkast... everybody LISTEN TO ATLIENS!!!

Words of wisdom from Nas try to rise up above
Keep an eye out for Jake shorty what
One Love...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekend Update (2)

Wow, I am absolutely exhausted...What a crazy weekend. I don't want my blogs to be all about what I do on weekends, but its the only time I can talk about something interesting. I mean any blogs not updating my life are just rants really...


Friday was a horribly boring day at work. I should have just skipped the day and hung out at home. After work, I ended up at Boston Pizza to meet with friends for beer, and to watch game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals. Detroit vs Pittsburgh. The wings lost and I got absolutely ripped on by my friends. Fucking sore winners can't you just shut up and let it go? We also talked about going to a College football game, maybe Ohio State vs USC (turns out that tickets costs $350 each, FUCK!).

Anyways we go out to a patio bar for the night after. I start getting wasted and get into the confident/ borderline cocky stage that (I used to call him Damien... Yes its borderline schizophrenic fuck off). I end up meeting this girl named Michelle and her friend, Cindy or some shit. We end up getting into a really good conversation. And in total Damien fashion she says she has a bf, but slips me her number anyways! I also talked to her friend and I don't think I was acting needy but she tells me about how good looking I am, and I'm great to talk to and how I'm going be great and find a great girl and be chill in my life

So after that craziness I get a ride home... and I'm wasted... I try to use the number code to open my garage. It doesn't work and I get furiously mad and start punching it and trying to rip it out of its place. Well all that anger and motion made me very very sick... and I couldn't get in the house... so there I was 2:30 am puking on my lawn in darkness, laying there for like 15 minutes, too sick to move.. God I'm awesome... my dad has to let me in laughing his ass off at me... Awesome Friday


Hung over as hell, slept through most of the day. I ended up sleeping off most of the day feeling like ass. When I felt better I went for a jog, and felt sick again. I ended up sobering up for dinner, and I went out for Indian food with the family on Saturday. Chilled hung over (saw Nids but whatever)


Forced to get up for church.. NOT in a good mood, then my mom just did it... After church we saw one my moms stupid church friends and we had one of the worst conversations ever

Mom: You know Daniel, my friends daughter is very pretty, I think she would compliment you very well, you should meet her

Me: Are trying to set me up on a date?

Mom: Maybe...

Me: Does she like clean and mop and stuff?

Mom: ummm Probably why?

Me: Because I'll need her to mop up the blood after I shoot myself in the face because my mother sets me up on a date with her church groups friends daughter! Like are you serious? Am I so pathetic to you that YOU need to set me up on blind dates?!?! Like really?!?! I don't need your help, I honestly honestly don't trust me on this

Mom: But she would be good for you...

Me: Because she can mop up blood?

Mom: Fiiine forget it

Anyways that was awkward... and yes I made 2 suicide references to my mom, but that's just my attitude and my humor...

I ended up going to Wonderland for the day with 2 friends. We helped this lady boost her car, which was hilarious.

We rode tons of rides (top gun, indiana jones, behemoth, some italian job shit, minebuster) went to the water park (oh my god the bikinis! Fuck time to jog EVERYDAY and get into damn shape), checked out girls, ate funnel cakes, and bounced...

Anyways, weekend full of inner thoughts, varying emotions and a shit load of fun...

But I still can't believe my mother tried to do that... I'm going to rip on her for a looong time for that one

One Love - Time to find a new one...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What to say...what to say

I honestly have no clue what to talk about already, and its been like 2 posts in. Oh well, hmm maybe I'll talk about what I wanna do in my future. Because I have no clue what I actually want to do. I guess I should just lay out my dreams and the issues with them

- Work in Automotive industry This dream was one of my first when I decided I wanted to be an accountant. This dream was pretty damn naive. I thought I would just be an accountant/ controller operations guru because I "know' about accounting and I "know" so much about cars. My thought was I would do the accounting, as well as decision making in accounting policy and financial reporting (*SNORE*). I would also make decisions on which cars to produce, and parts costing accounting and negotiation

Why it won't work There's no job in which you do journal entries, then make decisions on what parts to buy and how to cost cars. Its just not a position that exists. Also, as the world knows the automotive industry is absolute shit right now, and in North America they are not hiring new people, and nobody is sure they ever will again. I would peg this at 5%

-Move to NYC work in Manhattan This was a stupid fucking dream I had with someone where I was working, and she was in med school or some dumb shit and we would be together. Fuck, you thought the first dream was naive, this one was straight out of a Disney movie

Why it won't work Hmmm let me count the ways. 1) Her and I don't speak anymore 2) She was never going to school in NYC 3) I can't get a transfer to NYC 4) Love is a Disney movie, it doesn't exist its a huge load of bullshit. Just find someone who doesn't make you want to jump off a skyscraper every day and stick to her (no thats not emo its just love gets replaced by complaicency after 30 years of telling the same boring ass stories over and over again). But on the optimist side my NYC dream was always about me, and never about her. I found a position at my company in NYC and am looking into it. I would still put it at a 15% chance of happening

Work in Aviation industry This dream came out of my family as I had 2 uncles who worked as mechanics for various airlines, and I thought it would be fitting to be a corporate accountant at a big airline, a sort of moving up for my family. Also, as you can tell I'm just a big kid with tonka trucks and planes, trains and automobiles always fascinate me. I thought I could also do cost projection analysis on fuel, travelling, leases all that jazz

Why it won't work Just because I had 2 relatives who fixed planes doesn't mean I should make it my career. Also the aviation industry is almost always down and doesn't usually look to hire people very often. lastly, I would probably have to work in Canada and Air Canada means I have to know french, Westjet is out in Alberta and I would shoot myself if I worked for Porter Airlines. Thats at a 2% chance

Stay in Toronto work anywhere This was the last thing I thought I would be doing because I had such grand plans. But if all else fails; and all else is failing, this is my option

Why it won't work I'm a nomad. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in Toronto at the age of 23. but its probably a 50% chance I will. *tear*

Move somewhere.. ANYWHERE cool and work there This is probably what's going to happen. I will get offered something somewhere for a year or 2, I'll go do that then come home and either do 1 more or live in Toronto forever. thats at a solid 35%